hen me."
[Public-PG13] Match-Light, Fyrestorm says, "ok, forgot if I was on or not..."
<OOC> Fyrestorm has gone.
Dwayne Taylor jumps through the portal and urges everyone to begin heading upwards and out of the area.
ooc okay, D?
<OOC> Iron Fist says, "okay, D?"
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "he just went."
:turns he smirks at Succor. "Together then! I'm not letting you f through last!" The bitch queen is really pissed and Succor's blasts are only pissing her off!
Iron Fist turns he smirks at Succor. "Together then! I'm not letting you f through last!" The bitch queen is really pissed and Succor's blasts are only pissing her off!
[Public-PG13] Darian snickers and would love to body-switch if he were approved.
[Public-PG13] Bill says, "Boo, I say, Boo."
Succor nods. "Okay bro.. count of three... one.. two... THREE!" she shoves him and soon follows after. Well so much for together!
And how about the constant barrage of fyrebolts Fyrestorm is throwing at her?
:is shoved through. "You Bitch!"
Iron Fist is shoved through. "You Bitch!"
@emit How shall we put it! This thing is moving on it's own, half on fire, half aflame and half stunned and it's md as hell!
How shall we put it! This thing is moving on it's own, half on fire, half aflame and half stunned and it's md as hell!
Fyrestorm follows as soon as everyone else is gone, probably with so little time left the portal cuts out a few milliseconds after his bootsole is clear if you want things dramatic.
Succor laughs at him. "You say the nicest things." she waits for the rookies and DT to exit.. "Hurry it up.. time is running out."
Grove starts to head off..but even he knows that critter needs to be slowed down more. he can't get close, but he tosses seeds, which can get close..and they start growing..
[Public-PG13] Bill says, ".... Don't tell me. I'm really dead, so nobody can hear me."
<OOC> Fyrestorm pokes and thought you were already out with the guards and Dwayne, Grove.
@emit As a matter of fact, the portal does not blink out, it's grwoing very brightly, on the other side of the portal the scietist waves his hand. "Shit I forgot, that energy is unstable, an explosin will probably decimate this rea, Succor has about 40 seconds on her counter! Just then a tentacle from the queen shoots through the other side of the portal. Fist turns? "What?"
As a matter of fact, the portal does not blink out, it's grwoing very brightly, on the other side of the portal the scietist waves his hand. "Shit I forgot, that energy is unstable, an explosin will probably decimate this rea, Succor has about 40 seconds on her counter! Just then a tentacle from the queen shoots through the other side of the portal. Fist turns? "What?"
<OOC> Grove eeps and in the case..recall his pose..or say it's a delayed pose..
Succor says "FUCK~!"
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "or you throw them through the portal ;P"
[Public-PG13] The Lizard slowly sneaks up behind Bill and takes a bite out of his shoulder.
:turns. "Grove, Grow me some vines, now, Tie them around me and dwayne and the others and then to succor. Go. Connor power down!"
Iron Fist turns. "Grove, Grow me some vines, now, Tie them around me and dwayne and the others and then to succor. Go. Connor power down!"
[Public-PG13] Bill beats The Lizard. And that's not a metaphor.
Fyrestorm curses as the comes to his knee, seeing the portal still open and the tentacle comeing through. He engulfs it with flame for a good 3 seconds before cuting it off.
cuting the aura off that is.
[Public-PG13] The Lizard sniffles and goes running off.
:pulls Connnor Closeand Dwayne and the Guards and the Scientist.. "Overload, up the tube now!"
Iron Fist pulls Connnor Closeand Dwayne and the Guards and the Scientist.. "Overload, up the tube now!"
@emit Overload goes up the tube.
Overload goes up the tube.
[Public-PG13] Bill notes that, due to circumstances beyond his control, he was unable to RP like planned for hte last week. But, if things (read: work) goes better this week, I'll be able to spend some much-needed time here.
page Grove, you can do that right?
You paged Grove with 'Grove, you can do that right?'.
Dwayne Taylor glances at the scientist saying:"Hang on...we'r getting out of here the quick way." He starts climbing the tube.
@emit Another tentavle shoots through the portal.
Another tentavle shoots through the portal.
Succor nods. "Okay hang on everyone..." she begins to hover upward toward the vent. Knowoing that hte vines are being grown and being attached to all concerned.
@emit another tentale and the face of the queen is visable, struggling with the portal.
another tentale and the face of the queen is visable, struggling with the portal.
@emit Another tentacle and the face of the queen is visable, struggling with the portal.
Another tentacle and the face of the queen is visable, struggling with the portal.
Grove starts doing what iron fist asks and makes rope quickly out of vines.
Fyrestorm curses "Damnit... hury up... it's comeing!!!"
@emit The Vines curcle around Danny and the others and then around Connor and Grove. and then around Succor. "do it! Pick Dwayne up on the way!"
The Vines curcle around Danny and the others and then around Connor and Grove. and then around Succor. "do it! Pick Dwayne up on the way!"
Dwayne Taylor keeps climbing up, using the vines for help.
:covers Byron's and connor's head. He ducks! Succor takes off! They bump up the tube. "Yeeeeeeha!!!!!"
Iron Fist covers Byron's and connor's head. He ducks! Succor takes off! They bump up the tube. "Yeeeeeeha!!!!!"
[Public-PG13] Bill sighs. Downloading 22 megs at roughly 4 k/sec.... good thing I've got unlimited online time this month.
@emit Suddenly there is a loud explosion and a huge fireball starts blooming up the Tube!
Suddenly there is a loud explosion and a huge fireball starts blooming up the Tube!
Succor speeds up as fast as is safe, "Damn.. don't tell me it went off.. fuck fuck fuck!" she hopes she hits the sky soon before she has bbq'ed friends.
Grove prayprayprays and keeps concentrating on the vines.
[Public-PG13] Whatchoo talkin' bout... everyone! Hulk says, "What happened to the Spider-Man? He looks all undone..."
page Succor= Grab D, dramatically.
You paged Succor with 'Grab D, dramatically.'.
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "Grove, we're sorta assumeing we're already connected."
[Public-PG13] Bill says, "Hulkie!"
ooc we are. :)
<OOC> Iron Fist says, "we are. :)"
[Public-PG13] Spymaster has left this channel.
[Public-PG13] Shiro Yoshida has joined this channel.
[Public-PG13] Arrogance in Perfection, Shiro Yoshida bows.
<OOC> Grove says, "We are..I still can keep them getting stronger so they don't break.."
[Public-PG13] Whatchoo talkin' bout... everyone! Hulk waves.
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "ah, ok"
Dwayne Taylor glances down as he sees the fireball going up. "So much for ET."
[Public-PG13] Bill says, "Long time no see, man."
Succor snatches at DT as she passes him. "Going up.. " she then hits the sky just sedonds later.
@emit a couple ofvines do fall off, it can't be helped, but Iron Fist is literally holding on for dear life to Connor and everone, but that Fire ball is coming and the heat is coming too! Then all of a sudden you can see Blue, One of Danny's boots is singed!
a couple ofvines do fall off, it can't be helped, but Iron Fist is literally holding on for dear life to Connor and everone, but that Fire ball is coming and the heat is coming too! Then all of a sudden you can see Blue, One of Danny's boots is singed!
@emit Succor Shoots out of the tube. Dallas never looked so beautiful!
Succor Shoots out of the tube. Dallas never looked so beautiful!
[Guests] Guest1 has joined this channel.
@emit Seconds later, a gout of flame, emerges from the tube and nothing but smoke and char.
[Public-PG13] Arrogance in Perfection, Shiro Yoshida says, "Always around, more with my alts.."
[Public-PG13] Bill says, "Yeah, but I never am. Tho I intend to change that."
Seconds later, a gout of flame, emerges from the tube and nothing but smoke and char.
Fyrestorm's legs are caught in the flames. Thank god he absorbs heat like a sponge does water. And indeed, sky and open air and Earth below never did seem so good as now.
[Guests] Guest1 has left this channel.
Succor slows up, shifting to the side as the flame shoots up. "Everyone okay?" she calls down.
Grove bites his lip, to keep from crying out. He MUST concentrate..to keep the vines strong. He's not so lucky as the rest. He HAS a problem with heat and fire. His clothing don't catch on fire, but the heat is pretty extreme.
<OOC> Grove args and tells his typist to type faster!!
:leans and presses his arn around Grove. He holds grove close, the Iron Fist touching him so he isn't hurt from the ehat.
Iron Fist leans and presses his arn around Grove. He holds grove close, the Iron Fist touching him so he isn't hurt from the ehat.
:holds the other free hand up to give Succor a thumbs up. "Take us down."
Iron Fist holds the other free hand up to give Succor a thumbs up. "Take us down."
Fyrestorm says "Yeah, needed a bit of a charge-up after all that anyway." into his comm.
Succor lowers everyone down to the ground.
[Public-PG13] Bill says, "My modem diagnostic utility insists I'm getting 60+ kbps over the line... but I only have a 56k modem...."
[Public-PG13] Arrogance in Perfection, Shiro Yoshida says, "It happens.."
Dwayne Taylor lands and turns to look around. "Everyone ok?"
Succor waits for the vines to untie.
<OOC> Dwayne Taylor says, "Btw, as we land outside, there will 2 helicopter wrecks and lots of paramedic and rescue crews."
Succor says "What is this mess all about?"
[Public-PG13] Spymaster has joined this channel.
Grove smiles his appreciation to Iron fist, then to the others, "I'll be ok."
Fyrestorm says "Yeah... someone mind filling me in on what you guys were doing partying with big, green, and slimy and her family?"
:nods. He rubs Groves head fatherly. he also pats Connor on the back warmly.
Iron Fist nods. He rubs Groves head fatherly. he also pats Connor on the back warmly.
@emit The scientist rubs his glasses. He smiles at Succor. "great work."
The scientist rubs his glasses. He smiles at Succor. "great work."
Succor sets down. "Yeah.. thanks..."
Dwayne Taylor says "I guess we both groups have stories to tell."
Succor checks out what the deal is with the chopper from the sky.
@emit Just for the record, Thea is nearby, Whisper is tending her. Luxor as well tends the wounded.
Just for the record, Thea is nearby, Whisper is tending her. Luxor as well tends the wounded.
[Public-PG13] Selene has joined this channel.
[Public-PG13] Terra Meyers looks at Selene. Blinks. And faints.
Fyrestorm nods "Yeah... by the way, have you heard of something called The Facility or The Company or something like that? One of the guys that were hauled off yesterday mentioned that."
:turns his head. "what?"
[Public-PG13] Selene sobs.
Iron Fist turns his head. "what?"
Succor says "Huh?"
Succor looks down at Fyre.
:turns and looks at Dwayne. "Mr. Taylor?"
Iron Fist turns and looks at Dwayne. "Mr. Taylor?"
Fyrestorm sighs "Long story, but to make it short: The crews were being scared off by some terrorists, realy professional ones, all in black. We ended up haveing to fight them... that's where the two choppers came from... and one of the concious ones that was hauled off after the rest had retreated said something about it."
Dwayne Taylor frowns. "Choppers? Why would they scare off the rescue crews?"
Fyrestorm says "Don't know."
<OOC> Dwayne Taylor has to idle to watch Voyager. Youall can chat here all you want. TP is done. ;)
<OOC> Succor says, "woo"
Succor moves to Fist.. "Now about that bitch comment." she grins behind her helmet
Fyrestorm asks "Any chance of a big meal and some sleep? I think we've all been up way longer than is healthy."
:smiles. "Yeah, you earned it." He turns back looking at the choppers. He turns to dwayne. "Mr. Taylor, I'm taking my team home, I suggest you look into your company, somethingis up. Our leader will be in touch with you."
Iron Fist smiles. "Yeah, you earned it." He turns back looking at the choppers. He turns to dwayne. "Mr. Taylor, I'm taking my team home, I suggest you look into your company, somethingis up. Our leader will be in touch with you."
Succor says "I am so starving for a decent meal..."
say C'mon, We'll go to Rockfish, they make good Pizza.
You say "C'mon, We'll go to Rockfish, they make good Pizza."
Succor woo hoos.. "Pizzaaaaa!"
Fyrestorm chuckles "Sounds good... I hope they don't have a 'no-spandex' rule."
Succor says "Or a no powered suits rule."
say no, just be ready for the yuppyism. C'mon Guys. Follow me." Fist walks off watching the copters, there is something up, something in Dwayne's corporation, and he's gonna find out what."
You say "no, just be ready for the yuppyism. C'mon Guys. Follow me." Fist walks off watching the copters, there is something up, something in Dwayne's corporation, and he's gonna find out what.""
Succor follows after Fist.
@emit Fade to Black.
Fade to Black.
Fyrestorm wanders after, commenting "Well, they can yup all they want so long as I get my food."
[Guests] Guest1 has joined this channel.
<OOC> Succor says, "later.. at the pizza joint!"
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "cool"
ooc okay, hey 'I;m trying to save the log, if you think?
<OOC> Iron Fist says, "okay, hey 'I;m trying to save the log, if you think?"
<OOC> Succor says, "do it"
<OOC> Succor says, "can we leave TX?"
<OOC> Fyrestorm says, "cool"
[New-Warriors] Dwayne Taylor says, "I hope everyone enjoyed the TP. :)"
ooc nods
<OOC> Iron Fist says, "nods"
<OOC> Succor says, "cool."
Succor goes home.
Succor has left.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Iron Fist returns to the land of OOC.
Player's Lounge -- OOC Area(#5RFJs)
The excitement of the park can be felt as soon as the gates are passed. This is the main thoroughfare, filled with bustling people trying to see everything in the short time they have. Many rush toward the giant roller-coaster which is the claim to fame for the park. There is the House of Mirrors. A smaller path leads to the quiet garden, for those needing a break from the excitement. There is a booth to the side which promises to tell fortunes and find a perfect match for people. Then the bumper cars can be heard crashing headlong into one another down that way. Last but not least is the entrance to the funhouse itself where a variety of areas can be found within.
IC Nexus leads to the grid itself for RP. The Setup Room gives detailed instructions on how to setup your character. Quiet Room is a room of silence. The Character Room contains lists of available and taken characters. Code & Building contains the Building Nexus, Free Code Room and Lost&Found rooms.
Norman Osborn(#6862PXJce_)
Gwen Namura
The Lizard
Grid Guide <look grid>
Obvious exits:
Admin Rooms <AR> IC Nexus <IC> Setup Room <SR> Quiet Room <QR> Character Room <CR> Code & Building <CB>
Iron Fist arrives from IC land.
[New-Warriors] Succor loves the home command
Guest1 has disconnected.
[Guests] Guest1 has left this channel.
[Public-PG13] Wisdom has joined this channel.
[New-Warriors] Turnin' up da heat, Fyrestorm says, "definately"
Gwen Namura hugs Danno!
Gwen Namura says "Hey, Normie."
Gwen Namura says "Did you see Spider-Girl this week?"
Norman Osborn read Ultimate Spider-Man? "Was my kooky grandkid back?"
[New-Warriors] Kay Starr gets nekkid ;0
Gwen Namura says "Yep. Had May tied up."
Gwen Namura says "Without powers."
Gwen Namura says "Alone in a empty building."
Norman Osborn says "Kinky."
Gwen Namura says "He had a knife. And guess what he did?"
Norman Osborn says "Uh, cried about his dad?"
Gwen Namura says "Well, yes, he did that."