Chinatown East -- New York City
This area is the home of many of New York City's oriental
inhabitants. Chinatown has turned into a pure tourist trap, with numerous
souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants catering to the influx of tourists
into this area. The streets in this area are very narrow, some so that
vehicle transportation is impaired. And with abandoned vehicles on the
sides, sometimes on fire, that hinders traffic even more.
Area signs, banners, posters, and newsstands can be found
everywhere offering things written in the Chinease language. The entire area
has an overabundance of lights and neon.
Green Motorcycle(#4174IJae)
Black Kawasaki Ninja(#5241IJae)
Obvious exits:
Rand-Kai Dojo <RD> Tea House <TH> Manhole Cover <M> Little Italy <N>
Lower East Side <E> Chinatown West <W> Seaport <SW>
Whisper comes in from South Lower Manhattan - Rooftop Level
Whisper has arrived.
Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York City(#7750RFJ)
This wide and spacious room stretches out before you. A hanging
incense lamp fills the room with orange-lemon incense. As you look around
you feel the wonderful oriental flavor and abience of this room. It has a
very long and advancing soft wood floor which becomes the dojo with well
placed mats. Along the left wall, a staircase leads up and into the loft
area. A small alcove in the back of the place leads into the locker rooms,
where apparently there are some showers and changing areas.The walls are
covered with long banners with Oriental markings that hang down like
something out of a bygone era. Some of the walls are constructed in actual
paper oriental style and this room appears to be a casual place.
To the left is an entrance to the pagoda garden where Byron has
been working to create a free environment for his plants. You almost can't
believe it used to be an abandoned alley, but the peaceful sounds of the
waterfall and smell of plants almost lure you there.To the right is a very
nice kitchen area with a long cooking area and a kitchen bar counter. There
are seven stools, each has a different name on them. A large steel Wok and
other grill and open skillet. Looks like the room was designed to handle
large amounts of cooking. Other equipment is visiable including a large
refridgerator on the other side of the counter. The fridge has a sign on it
which says: FRIDGE OPEN TO ALL.
The room is very alive. To the left are several Oriental training
devices including the wooden Tong-fa device and a nearby small table with a
tea kettle on it. A nearby trophy case has many awards in it. The kitchen
area has back door with often peole come to for deliveries. A small bell
covers the back door and will ring if people enter. It's very quaint and
In the far back of the dojo is a small banister and set of wooden
stairs that leads into a beaded door and semi oriental bedchamber which lies
open with spare material inside. A small dresser and a nice sterio system
are visible through the beads, but the room itself is very minimalist.The
nearby kitchen seems to have a rice percolator which smells strongly of rice
and seasonings and a nearby stone kettle and wok smell of strong herbal teas
and alternative medicines. littered around the various shelves of poetry and
eastern philosophy books are several small bonsai trees and hanging ferns,
no doubt a new addition. The walls are lined with Oriental weapons and
trophies, several swords have names and plaques under them and there are a
few large Oriental prints by Yukiyo-ye art masters and even a Hokusai print
of the Wave of Tanagawa and old Kurosowa movie posters and prints.
Danny Rand(#7171P?Jcy)
Kay Starr
Ross Wiggins
Obvious exits:
Back Room <BR> Out <O>
<OOC> Danny Rand smiles. Yes, but it's always locked. hehe, there's another
way, that not everybody knows.
<OOC> Tyler nods.
Whisper comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Whisper has arrived.
<OOC> John says, "There's a back door to the changing rooms and private
sanctums. Possibly to Warrior Central, but I haven't confirmed that yet. ;)"
<OOC> Seth says, "My desc is wrong, but it'll take a bit to fix."
<OOC> Danny Rand laughs. hehe oocly, there's a secret exit in my closet.
<OOC> Seth biam.
Suddenly, there's a bump, someone slides a note under the door.
Kay Starr finds the chocotofu and a diet coke. She closes the fridge door
with her hip.
Tyler stands up, all 6'4" of him. My, he's a big boy. He walks over in
Danny's direction, not looking in a hurry, but casually and expectantly to
the teen hero.
Ross Wiggins nods at John. "Coffee. Black. Sugar, please." He shakes out his
hair, droplets of red coming off of his now-shockingly white hair.
"Godforsaken hair dye...someone should invent a better 'Blood-Red' hair dye"
John nods at Ross, "Sure... Get something to cover yourself with... a
blanket or something. Think there's one on the couch." As he says this, he
gets out the packets and sets up the automatic coffee machine. He nods to
Danny, "Hi. What's up?
Kay Starr hmms. "What was that bump coming from?" she asks.
Sitting in the middle of the floor appears to be a note.
Kay Starr sets down her food and drink, she goes to fetch the note.
Danny Rand turns his head, suddenly. He blinks. He opens the counter, and
for once, you see that security system Gwen installed. He rolls the tape
back a few feet.
Danny Rand says "brb"
Ryan comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Ryan has arrived.
Danny Rand has left.
Ross Wiggins stares at the note a moment, shaking his head at John. "I'm
only a little damp. I'll warm up soon enough."
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC Whisper, go to the
roof, Look for SLim. I think he just dropped us a message."
Danny Rand comes in from Back Room - Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New
York City
Danny Rand has arrived.
John glances at Kay, "What?" He then raises an eyebrow at Danny, "Sweet..."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "sorry Ryan, closed scene."
Kay Starr has a bad feeling about this note. So she opens it and reads it
Ryan goes home.
Ryan has left.
Whisper goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Whisper has left.
Whisper comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Whisper has arrived.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Okay guys, Whisper isn't here."
<OOC> Tyler nods.
<OOC> Whisper usually isn't.. ;)
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "just pose what I'm reading :)"
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "Just got there."
Tyler turns to look at the note, which he hadn't heard the coinciding bump.
The note reads:
Who do you think you're fucking with!
IF you want the boy alive, listen close.
Bring the bird girl to the Bean tommorrow night. No tricks. Of the chink
Kay Starr reads that outloud. "Nice diction for a madman." she notes.
Ross Wiggins blink-blinks. "Uhmmm...someone care to paraphrase for those out
of the 'loop'? Such as...myself?"
Tyler blinks, "Bird girl!?" He seems to think that he has an idea of this
John frowns, his face visibly darkening. He then looks towards Danny,
raising an eyebrow, "If I get my hands on fatboy, I'm gonna kick his ass to
the curb, man..."
Kay Starr says "He wants Irissa."
Kay Starr folds the note and gives it to Danny. "We need to give him
someone. But not necessarily Irissa. Perhaps someone we can disguise as her.
Would he know the difference?
Tyler blinks again, "Fat guy!" his deep voice bellows a little. "Does this
fat guy have a name?
Danny Rand rolls the tape back in the cuboard. He nods. "He's not going to
get her. He looks at Ross. "Ross, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of ours
was kidnapped. The Guy doing it, is a jerk who wants a friend of ours for
her value as a sideshow performer. " He looks up. "Sideshow Slim."
Kay Starr looks to Ross. "Its a LONG Story Ross."
Tyler thinks, "Uh, does this Slim happen to have an eyepatch?"
The security Monitor shows a fat man with an eyepatch. He slips the note
under the door and runs off, and he moves beyond the camera
Ross Wiggins blinks some more, and nods. "Sounds like it." He sighs a little
bit, looking at the ground and thinking.
You say "Wonder if Sara's around."
Kay Starr shakes her head. "He won't get her all right." she looks to Danny.
"I'll volunteer to pretend to be here if need be."
Kay Starr here=her
The tall Tyler Williams looks down at the group, or, at least to all those
shorter than him. "Does this Slim guy have an eyepatch?" he repeats
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "There's a car.. I got a picture of it. Not
sure if you'll be able to read the plates."
John nods to Tyler, "Yes he does."
Danny Rand nods, like he's listening to something.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "momen*..."
Daniel comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Daniel has arrived.
<OOC> Daniel waves. "Anyone care if I show up?"
Danny Rand is thinking. He speaks into his watch. "Can you engage? OR
John then turns to the kitchen, venting his rage by pouring a cup of coffee
and mixing sugar into it. A saucer later and it is delivered to Ross. He
then looks at Danny, raising an eyebrow, "It's your word..."
Seth drops the sphere he was forming moments ago. The spider inside runs off
at the speed of sound, phasing through the door.
Tyler gets a grin. One of those grins that says he knows something the
others don't. "I can get this guy for you."
Long distance to Danny Rand: Seth sent a scouter to follow him.
You paged Danny Rand with 'It'll follow him until he gets near the _real_
kid, then will zip back to Seth.'.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Kay Starr raises a brow. "How?" she asks Tyler.
<OOC> Kay Starr don't care.
<OOC> Tyler doesn't have a problem.
To (Seth, Whisper), Danny Rand pages: it comes up short, but it does follow
Shiper who is folling a car.
You paged Danny Rand with 'Huh?'.
To (Seth, Whisper), Danny Rand pages: OPne of Seth's gremlin's zooms in
behind you.
Ross Wiggins peers at Danny. Hmmm...he's talking into his watch. It must be
one of those nice new Casio watches that can double as a phone. His
thought-train is broken by the coffee. He grins at John, taking a sip from
the coffee. "Well...crap. This is weird. We have Sideshow Slim, and the age
thing. Wonder if Slim's behind this entire dealy?"
Danny Rand rubs his chin. He's listening to something, "Everybody hold up."
Daniel has disconnected.
You paged Danny Rand with 'It'll focus on the person it's targetted for -
it's like a robot insect, it can only do what I program it to, so it's gotta
follow the guy.'.
Daniel at 26
Moving your eyes to meet the form of the young man before you, you
would notice one thing. THe young man is very handsome with the loss of his
teenage femininity and an overdrive masculine qualities. His dishwater blond
hair hangs long and parts in the middle, moving out to either side of his
head and hanging long to the small of his back. The blonde locks are kept
together and are tied off in the middle by a single scrap of black fabric
tied in a knot. Daniels's eyes are one of the most unique things about him.
One is a dark forest green, while the other is a chocolate brown. His nose
is straight and regal, and his lips full. He has a square set jawline that
adds a touch of..."Buchness" to his appearance. Moving along, he has a thin
lithe body with enough tone to it to attract the right attentions. He is
about 6' and weighs about 190 in hard lean muscle. Today he wears a simple
pair of denim black jeans that are a loose fit. The have been hacked into a
pair of low hanging shorts that cut off below the knee. His claves are
strong and muscular and covered in a light sprinkling of blonde hair. Around
his ankles are a pair of white socks pushed down. His shirt is a simple
black t-shirt that has had the sleeves cut off of it. They can be found
bound around his bicepts like some kind of guard. On his feet a simple pair
of docmartins complete the outfit.
Kay Starr hmms. "Wassup Danno?"
Tyler smiles, "Well," .oO(Oh crap, that doesn't work.) "Uh... on second
thought, I'm not sure." He nudges Danny.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "..*opped in front of the Ming Ming Hotel."
To (Seth, Whisper), Danny Rand pages: The gremlin leaves and comes back,
basically, it doesn't see him, it does notice whisper.
John shakes his head at Ross, "Nah... Sideshow Slim isn't that bigtime." He
then pauses for a moment before continuing, "The age thing is some other
sosiopath who is doing this for attention cause their mommy didn't read them
a bedtime story when they were in diapers." He then stops, watching Danny.
You paged Danny Rand with 'OK, so he stopped existing within 50 feet of the
car? (Hint: he can notice and kill it, or it can follow him, and come back,
but it cannot operate outside the parameters I gave it, and Slim's image,
not Whisper's, was what it was designed to locate. It would ignore her.'.
Danny Rand blinks. "I wired, the place up with security equipment after that
guy aimed a shot gun at you and called you a stripper. " He talks into his
watch. "Good, Follow on foot if you can." he turns back to Kay. "After the
first Ransom Note, Tommy Chu's father put a body guard on duty to follow if
i gave the word, he cause sight of the car, and other things, he's
apparently been watching us."
Daniel has connected.
<OOC> Daniel says, "Sorry."
Daniel looks at you.
Danny Rand says "and he's apparently three blocks away fring now."
Danny Rand says "right now."
You paged Jason with 'More of the Wundagore plot.'.
<OOC> Seth says, "Fring?"
John raises an eyebrow, "Gonna' follow him?"
You paged Danny Rand with 'I won't know ANYTHING about it until the scouter
comes back, either.'.
Danny Rand nods. He holds his hand up. "Not yet, We're gonna find where he's
staying." He speaks into his wrist, "Can you copy."
Tyler raises his hand, "I guess no one cares what I got to say." Oh well,
that means he doesn't have to lose his get out of jail free card.
Danny Rand says "No Tyler, tell us please, I'm a little preoccupied, but say
it, please..."
Danny Rand pages: okay, he got into a car, and dissapeared around a corner.
Your scouter comes back
Kay Starr says "someone called me a stripper? ooooooohhhh!"
Danny Rand turns his head. "You don't remember, Kay, he put the shot gun to
your head?"
You paged Danny Rand with 'So he disappears, tommy within 50 feet? That's
why it would come back. Sorry to be picky, but it's important to what we
Kay Starr shakes her head. "I remember the gun Danno, but not that he called
me a stripper." she shrugs.
>From afar, Danny Rand smiles. Nope. no sign
Danny Rand smiles. "Well he was an ass and i remembe rhte whole
conversation. Kay starr, that's a secy name, sounds kinda like a stripper."
You paged Danny Rand with 'OK, it won't return unless he somehow teleports
away. Then it goes into a search pattern to find him, which may not work.'.
Danny Rand pages: no dice.
You paged Danny Rand with 'OK... It's gone then ... I get no info back.'.
Ross Wiggins takes another gulp of coffee, content to just listen for the
time being. . o O (It does kinda sound like a stripper...)
Kay Starr blinks. "OHhhhhh NOW I remember."
Tyler smiles, but isn't sure if he wants to say it, so he thinks
of how he's going to reveal it. "Well, Mr. Bond," he says, in jest of
Danny's talking to his watch, "Remember how I said I am gonna get out of my
little *situation* with the local authorities? Well, that drug dealer I'm
gonna turn in is named Slim, and he's got an eyepatch. He wasn't that street
smart though. He wanted me to put this thing on the back of a bird girl's
neck, in return for these drugs he had."
Danny Rand takes out what looks like binoculars and walkie talkies. "John,
Yake Ross with you and go about three blocks. Radio back if you see
Kay Starr shakes her head. "Reminds me I owe him a good kick in the gonads
for that comment." she grins. She looks to Tyler, expecting what he'll be
Kay Starr quirks a brow at what he just said.
Danny Rand nods and passes Tyler a pair too. "Damn, do you have the patch?
John nods to Danny and asks, "Can I use the roofs?" He then turns to Ross,
"Are you afraid of heights?"
Ross Wiggins quirks a brow as well. "Three blocks...uhmmm...what happens if
we find him or something? He's fat and slow, and I can deliver a pizza from
the opposite side of town in under ten minutes." He shakes his head at John,
"Actually I'm quite fond of heights."
Tyler takes the equipment, wow, Bond central here. What in the heck? He's
playing superhero in addition to dojo owner and P.I. "Well, I can get a hold
of him. But I already promised the cops that I'd give'm over to them. It's
my shot at getting my name cleared."
Danny Rand nods. "Go ahead. But do not engage him. " He shakes his head
adamantly. "He is not a normal man."
Mike has connected.
*Jingle Jingle* Hey look, its that guy thats always here pissing
off Morris, or at least trying too. He closes the door behind him and turns
to look at the crowd. "...." he stands there for a moment, hand still on the
door. His missmatched eyes look at Tyler for a moment before seeking out
seth. "Hey." He mutters softly as he moves around the Dojo floor to try and
get over there without treading snow all over the place.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "perfect timing."
Mike comes in from the street with a bag of stuff and stops short, staring
at the crowd.
Sara last on: Wed Jan 3 16:44:23 2001, about 6 hours ago.
John nods to Danny, taking the binocs and radio and nodding to Ross, "I
think we're going out the back door."
Kay Starr looks to Danny. "What about me?"
Danny Rand talks into his watch. "Where did the car stop?
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "want to pose in Mike?"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "who is holding the note."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "who is holding the note?"
<OOC> John says, "Kay,."
<OOC> Tyler says, "I think Kay"
Ross Wiggins stares at Danny, "I'm not normal either, so I think I'll be
safe..." He's awfully smug for going in near-blind into this situation. He
goes back over to the door and quickly throws on his skates, plodding over
to John. "Lead on."
There is a whisp of smoke and the note glows red and then dissapears in a
small burst of flame leaving a small pile of ask.
Seth waits quietly. Too much going on. "You did get a snapshot of the note?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "actually bro I gave it to you."
Mike just stands by the door. He's confused. He twitches at the smoke,
looking warily in Kay's direction. "Um... what's up?"
John hmms, "I wonder if I can fly and magnitize you as well." He leaves it
at that and nods to Danny, "I'll call you when we're in position."
Danny Rand drops the note into the trash. "We got a sit on Tommy, Slim just
delivered another ransom note."
>From afar, Daniel is standing next to you...
Danny Rand says "Tyler= stick with John and Ross. Mike, Seth, you come with
Kay Starr looks to Mike. "Slim dropped us a note. He wants Irissa for Tommy
at the Bean tomorrow."
Daniel whispers "Uhm...Whats going on?"
Tyler pouts a little. "Why are we following him?"
Tyler says "He can just disappear at will, it's not like it'll do us any
Danny Rand says "I want to make sure he has tommy and we can actualyl
retrieve him."
You say "Friend of ours was kidnapped, Daniel. We've finally got a lead."
Danny Rand says "before we do anything."
Mike ohs and goes to put his bag of stuff in the kitchen. "Okay. I guess
that means a general convergence on the Bean." He looks around. "But...
something else is up tonight, right?"
Kay Starr has a feeling she won't be in on this.
Danny Rand motions Kay to the back. "Don't leave yet. John, give me ten
minutes." HE nods. "Follow me sis."
Danny Rand says "wait right here Mike"
Danny Rand has left.
Tyler pouts some more. "No one ever listens to me."
John motions Ross and Tyler over to him for a team chat, "Come here for a
sec, you two."
To (Seth, Mike, John, Ross Wiggins, Tyler, Kay Starr), Danny Rand pages:
We're probably going to be doing this out of costume, is that okay?
Wait? Okay. Mike starts putting the stuff in his bag away. Cleaning
supplies, mostly, it looks like.
Ross Wiggins shakes his head at Tyler, "I listen to ya. I'm formulating a
plan as we speak...but it's not going to well...the planning." He skates
around John a little, waiting for the huddle.
To (Seth, Mike, Ross Wiggins, Tyler, Kay Starr, Danny Rand, Danny Rand),
John pages: Heh... Fine with me.
You sense Daniel nods. "I'm coming too." He mutters simply. Not a request. A
Kay Starr follows Danny.
Tyler might as well huddle, pout pout. "Ya know, this isn't gonna work."
Danny Rand comes in from Back Room - Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New
York City
Danny Rand has arrived.
Seth nods. "Danny - Daniel wants to help if he can."
Kay Starr has left.
Danny Rand says "allright, hold a moment"
Danny Rand has left.
John nods, "Alright... What did you have in mind, Tyler? Remember, Danny's
got the thing on lockdown. It's his deal, so we aren't going off on our
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "Sir, there's something in the trunk.."
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC Okay listen, i know
this seems bad, but Whisper is on the comm and she is backup, and nobody, is
better at sneaking up on guys than her."
Mike watches the people in the room and listens quietly.
Seth turns to murmur in Daniel's ear.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "Right Whisp?"
Tyler shrugs, "I say we don't do sh*t." He says pretty bluntly. "This guy,
he has this little silver thingy, he can just disappear whenever he feels
like it. How're you gonna follow him? And besides that, well never mind
besides that. It won't work.
<OOC> Tyler adds a " at the end of that.
[New-Warriors] Whisper (silence)
Daniel thinks for a moment. "Take the silverthing away?" He asks curiously.
[New-Warriors] Bigger than the boss, Sean says, "OOC Cept me! j/k"
Tyler says "And how you gonna do that?"
Ross Wiggins considers things, and finally nods a little. "If he /can/ turn
invisible, Tyler's right. There isn't squat we can do about following him.
We'd need IR tracking or something in order to see hi-" He looks around to
Daniel, "How?"
Daniel looks over. "I've got my ways...tell me where he usually pulls it
from and what he looks like, and I'll get it."
[New-Warriors] Mike has joined this channel.
John listens to Tyler, nodding, but then he says, "But we gotta try,
Tyler... For Tommy's sake at least." He then nods to both Ross and Tyler,
"We're going over the roofs, one at a time. I'll fly you over Tyler, and
then I'll fly Ross over. Should only need to jump two blocks." He then asks,
"Any questions?"
You paged Daniel with 'The folks we're dealing with, they're badnes.
Classical supervillains. Do not let them get hold of you.'.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC Okay listen, i know
this seems bad, but Whisper is on the comm and she is backup, and nobody, is
better at sneaking up on guys than her.(repose for Mike)"
Ross Wiggins snaps his fingers. "Daniel's right. He can probably just grab
it from him with no problem...uhmm...and If need be, I can just 'paint' him
or something."
You paged Daniel with 'bad news'.
Mike fusses with something below the level of the counter.
Tyler blinks, "Where he usually pulls it from? I dunno, his pocket?"
Actually, Tyler could get it off him with little trouble. But he kinda hopes
the guy gets away.
Danny Rand comes in from Back Room - Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New
York City
Danny Rand has arrived.
Kay Starr comes in from Back Room - Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New
York City
Kay Starr has arrived.
Kay Starr comes back with Danny. "Okay Seth, I'm with you and Daniel."
John frowns, shrugging, "Tell Danny that when he comes back in... Till then,
I'll be three blocks over."
<OOC> Tyler nudges Daniel, you little thief;)
Danny Rand says "Okay here's the plan, Mike, you're with Tyler, John and
Ross. Seth, you come with me Kay and Danbiel."
Danny Rand says "hold up John."
Daniel thinks for a moment. "Yeah...Uhm...I need a few boxes...they can be
empty." He says simply. "I need a diversion...and I only need one person
with me, to act as Decoy. Someone he hasn't seen before."
John just nods at Danny.
Ross Wiggins raises his hand. "Hey, can I be a decoy?"
Tyler quirks an eyebrow, "And the end result would be?"
Mike looks over at Tyler, John and Ross and nods. "Right." He comes out of
the kitchen and strolls over to them.
Danny Rand says "okay, simple scouting mission. we're going to try to locate
Tommy Chu. I want no offensive act against Slim unless he starts it."
Daniel thinks for a moment looking at Tyler and refraining from comment. He
looks back to Ross. "Can you be a complete dolt and when I drop the boxes
can you fumble with them for a few seconds?"
Mike rubs his hands together, looking at Danny. "Whisper's following him? Is
he still moving?" His tone is very businesslike.
Danny Rand says "He appears to be hold up at the Ming Ming Hotel, three
blocks over., John Ross, Tyler, Mike, you're gonna take the back Alley,
there's a service entrance. I want you guys to go in that way."
Kay Starr isn't sure where we are all going, but is ready with tazer gun and
Tyler chuckles. Tyler is actually a well known thief, in the thief circles,
but that's little Tyler.
You say "Danny? Either that's not where they're holding Tommy, or he isn't
there. The scouter would be back by now."
Daniel raises a hand. "I need a description please?" He looks to seth. "Can
you find me some boxes?"
Ross Wiggins laughs a little at Daniel's question, "Act like a dolt? I can
accomplish that...and I can fumble boxes yeah, I think I can do
Retcon: Mike rubs his hands together, looking at Danny. "Someone followed
him? Is he still moving?" His tone is very businesslike.
Danny Rand points toward the closet. There are some boxes there.
Danny Rand holds up a picture for Daniel, it is of tommy chu. "Ready?
Seth goes over to the security system and plays back the image of Slim, who
isn't, who goes up to the door. He's a fat man with an eyepatch.
Daniel arches a brow. "This is the guy I'm stickin'?" He asks curiously.
You say "That's the kidnap victim, Daniel. Slim is this guy."
Danny Rand says "everyone outside."
Kay Starr shakes her head. "I know Tommy. No worries."
Mike makes a time-out sign. "Okay, I've got John, Ross, and Tyler. Except it
looks like Ross is doing something with Daniel. Has he moved over to your
group, Danny?"
Kay Starr says "Just don't hurt the chinese kid and you'll be fine."
Daniel rolls his eyes. "I give a ship what the package looks like. I'm just
doing my part to make sure a human doesn't have any more power than they
deserve." He says cracking his knuckles. "lets go...fat boy is mine."
Danny Rand nods. Mike, you've got John, Ross, Daniel. Tyler is with us.
Seth shakes his head. He pulls a large wristwatch out of the drawer - he put
it there a while ago. It's a big fat one with a radium dial. It goes dim as
soon as Seth puts it on.
Ross Wiggins finishes his now-cold coffee, skating over and setting it on
the counter. "Times a wasting, let's get a move on."
Daniel shakes his head. "I'm going up with Ross first, I dont want more
people that need be arond for the first part of it..I'm just disarming the can deal with the rest."
John glances over at Mike, and then at Ross. He seems content to sit back
and relax as the planning is done.
Danny Rand says "allright, Daniel, listen close, you can do your thing, Mike
is going to be your back up and so is John."
<OOC> Seth says, "Danny, do we still have the silver thing?"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "you mean the armor. :)?"
Kay Starr wishes they get it straight.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "...Kaos, I need a lock picker gremlin here."
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "And fast."
Mike looks at Daniel and nods. "Okay, Ross. Do whatever you have to, but try
to join up with my group ASAP. We're coming in the back, through the service
entrance; probably through the kitchen. Got that?"
<OOC> Seth says, "No, I"
Danny Rand says "Time, is the order clear? Tyler, Kay, sEth, follow me."
Danny Rand goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Danny Rand has left.
Daniel nods. "Then they need to stay the hell out of sight. 4 guys walking
up to a paranoid guy wityh the ability to disappear is a stupid ass plan."
You paged Danny Rand with 'No, I meant the little silver signal device.'.
Whisper goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Whisper has left.
You paged Danny Rand with 'We found one, remember/'.
Danny Rand pages: yes.
You paged Danny Rand with 'I'm showing it to daniel.'.
John frowns, "who says he's alone?" to Daniel.
Seth shows Daniel a small silver disc. "This is what you want to lift off
You paged Danny Rand with 'Otherwise he has no clue what to take.'.
<OOC> Tyler says, "who'm I with now? Ross and Mike and John?"
Daniel looks to Mike and John. "Could you two please stay back? I've got
this and I dont like spooken my prey." He offers.
Mike says "Daniel, you and Ross go forward.Tyler, with me."
Daniel nods to Seth. "Got it..."
Kay Starr goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Kay Starr has left.
Daniel goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Daniel has left.
Ross Wiggins nods at Mike, his attention drifting towards John. "If he's not
alone...well...we'll improvise."
Danny Rand pages: come with me.
Ross Wiggins goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Ross Wiggins has left.
Seth talks into his comm.
You paged Danny Rand with 'Hang on, building a gremlin for WHisper.'.
Daniel pages: Where are we going?
You paged Daniel with 'Follow Rand's lead, he's emitter.'.
John frowns, "If you need help, you don't think twice about screaming like a
six year old and I'll be right through the window."
Danny Rand pages: just come woith me, we'll rp it in a bit.
Danny Rand(#7171P?Jcy)
You see a very young, athletic man. His body is well defined. At
the moment his Khaki's and berkenstocks look a little big on him, and his
T-shirt, which must have been tucked in, is now out. His comfortable cotton
button down is hanging out. He must be a gen'x-erbecause his wears some
buddhist prayer beads around his neck. He looks up at you, his sea grean
eyes twinkly of youth and rebelliousness.
His wrist is also encircled with prayer beads and he looks very
scampish for a 16-year-old. Yep he's a young un and in good shape too,
escept for the baggy clothes. Yes, he looks like he should be riding a
skateboard and drinking surge. His clothes are definitely too big.
Strong man
Chinatown East -- New York City
This area is the home of many of New York City's oriental
inhabitants. Chinatown has turned into a pure tourist trap, with numerous
souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants catering to the influx of tourists
into this area. The streets in this area are very narrow, some so that
vehicle transportation is impaired. And with abandoned vehicles on the
sides, sometimes on fire, that hinders traffic even more.
Area signs, banners, posters, and newsstands can be found
everywhere offering things written in the Chinease language. The entire area
has an overabundance of lights and neon.
Ross Wiggins
Kay Starr
Danny Rand(#7171P?Jcy)
Green Motorcycle(#4174IJae)
Black Kawasaki Ninja(#5241IJae)
Obvious exits:
Rand-Kai Dojo <RD> Tea House <TH> Manhole Cover <M> Little Italy <N>
Lower East Side <E> Chinatown West <W> Seaport <SW>
Kay Starr shakes her head still, (MEN! Can't make up their silly little
Tyler comes in from Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York City
Tyler has arrived.
You paged Whisper with 'A few moments later, a small translucent silver man
appears, an 'alter object' type, which stands in front of you. On the comm
on a private channel seth says, "Put it in the lock, it'll open it."'.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Seth Whisper, Kay Tyler, follow me, West."
Danny Rand goes to Chinatown West -- New York City.
Danny Rand has left.
Whisper takes the shimmery thingy and puts it in the lock.
Whisper goes to Chinatown West -- New York City.
Whisper has left.
Kay Starr goes to Chinatown West -- New York City.
Kay Starr has left.
You go to Chinatown West -- New York City.
Chinatown West -- New York City
This area is the home of many of New York City's oriental
inhabitants. Chinatown has turned into a pure tourist trap, with numerous
souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants catering to the influx of tourists
into this area. The streets in this area are very narrow, some so that
vehicle transportation is impaired. And with abandoned vehicles on the
sides, sometimes on fire, that hinders traffic even more.
Area signs, banners, posters, and newsstands can be found
everywhere offering things written in the Chinese language. The entire area
has an overabundance of lights and neon.
Kay Starr
Danny Rand(#7171P?Jcy)
Obvious exits:
Fang's Oriental Emporium <FOE> Silver Dragon <SD> SoHo <N> Tribeca <W>
Seaport <S> Chinatown East <E>
Tyler comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Tyler has arrived.
Whisper takes the shimmery goblin thingy and puts it in the lock.
You paged Whisper with 'You need to let Danny know when you do that, as
Three blocks over. Danny and the others are walking, They approach the front
door of Ming Ming. He nods to Kay. "Tyler, Stay in the back, walk in with
Seth and ask about a room for an hour, " Whisper at the moment is not
You say "Oh yeah, cast me as the rent boy." He grins. "Tyler, I hope you're
a good actor."
Tyler says "And who am I/"
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "Think I found him, unless it's a decoy."
Danny Rand rolls his eyes. "Your funtime charlie, looking for a good piece,
What do you mean who are you?"
You say "Your name's John." He snickers. "You'd be the one paying for an
hour with a young kid."
Tyler says "Oh, ok. I'm funtime Charlie, got it."
Kay Starr listens quietly. Grinning a little at Danny telling the two in a
round about way that they are to pretend they are lovers or something to
that effect.
Long distance to Daniel: Seth snickers. Danny's got me and Tyler going into
this hotel to get into position, and he wants us to rent a room for an hour
;} Think Seth can play 'rent boy'?
Danny Rand talks into his watch. "Okay, hold a minute." He nods to Seth.
"Seth, need you for a moment." He mutters into his watch.
Seth nods. "What for?"
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "Seth can you make
something that can tell if the kid inthe trunk is tommy Chu?"
>From afar, Daniel shakes his head. Tyler would have to do it since your
underage...unless you mean you are the whore and tyler is your trick.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "Well hurry. I'm feeling a bit exposed here."
Kay Starr stashes the mace in one pocket, keeping the taser palmed for easy
use and yet slightly hidden. She looks about, listening to things around
them as Danny does the plan stuff.
You say "Yah." He sends a scouter to next-to-whisper, set to snapshot the
nearby people. If any of them are Tommy it'll know, and if any are goo
clones it'll know. It zooms up, and returns about five seconds later, diving
into Seth's head. He almost hurls from the disorientation."
You paged Daniel with 'That's what I think he meant.'.
You paged (Danny Rand, Whisper) with 'Scouters have a range of 50 feet, so
if he's within that distance I'll have the image.'.
You paged Danny Rand with 'What'd I learn?'.
Danny Rand pages: fake out. decoy clone.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "Decoy."
Seth looks up. "Fraud. Decoy."
Tyler says "What?"
Kay Starr says "Figures."
Tyler says "So now what?"
Kay Starr says "Too bad we don't have a telepath on the team eh?"
You say "They have a fake, a clone construct. It probably thinks it's
Danny Rand nods. He pulls Kay to the side, and draps a coat over the body
armor. He slips his hand in hers. "C'mon." He opens the door.
You say "Until they trigger the kill program."
You paged Daniel with 'Are you getting any direction while this goes on?'.
Danny Rand says "are you ready Charlie?" he looks at Tyler."
Tyler looks kinda weirded out. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Kay Starr nods and follows Danny, not sure what her part is in this plan.
Seth puts on a completely different attitude. He's a bored, somewhat
hardened looking street kid, a faint smirk on his face. He follows 'Charlie'
in, obviously putting on a show for his trick to noct.
Danny Rand talks into his watch, "Go around to the side, Whsiper, I'll open
the side entrance."
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "What do you want me to do with the fake?"
Ming Ming- Sleezy Hotel - Chinatown
The insides are like out a bad mickey Spilane novel. The place is dusty. A
few stragglers in the back.. At the desk a mousy little man with glasses
reads a copy of "IT" by Stephen King. The grand staircase leads upstars.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC knock it out."
The mouse Clerk looks at Tyler. "What you want eh? What you want?" Danny,
pulls Kay to the side to pretend like he's making out with her, when he
really opens the side entrance. He leaves it cracked. He listen to Tyler.
Danny Rand isn't really making out with Kay, He's covering his face with her
Kay Starr blinks as she does this, but doesn't question it. She almost has
to stop herself from giggling.
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "shit..!"
Mousey Clerk yells. "What you WANT!?" He screams at Tyler! "You can't
<OOC> Tyler whaps.
<OOC> Seth says, "Let him pose!"
<OOC> Danny Rand laughs
You paged Daniel with 'No prob.'.
You paged Danny Rand with 'Daniel has to leave. RL calls.'.
Tyler looks down at the mousy clerk, "A room," he says bluntly. "That's what
people come here for, isn't it?" His deep voice can be an intimidating one.
It sounds like he wants no questions asked. Firm and authoritative, yep,
that's him. He eyes the clerk, as if to say, 'don't screw with me.'
Seth loiters nearby. Looks like he wants to get this over with. While Mr.
Charlie isn't looking, he feels free to turn off the charm.
Kay Starr gets into the act with Danny by pretending she's drawing him
closer. She whispers. "Got to make it look real right?"
"aaaah" The mousy Clerk smiles. "12,50 and you make own bed. and extra 20
makes me look other way?"
Danny Rand smiles and talks into his watch. "You coming?"
Danny Rand talks into his watch. "Get a look at the register. For me Seth.
See if you see Slim's name?"
Seth reads the register. Maybe a couple future clients in there. Wow, lotta
smiths and chins.
Tyler glares at the clerk. "Yeah, right." he slaps down the 12.50, no twenty
extra. He doesn't look like he's gonna negotiate.
Danny Rand pages: penthouse.
The clerk gives tyler a room key. "Room 13. Fooey on you."
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "(muttered)
Kay Starr grins a little at what she listens in on, she runs her hands over
Danny. Making look like they are really involved in the making out.
Tyler doesn't say another word, and takes a glance back to Seth. "Come'on."
This is stupid to Tyler, but he sure is incredibly good at acting. Maybe he
should make a profession out of it.
<OOC> Tyler says, "well, not another word to the clerk anyway"
Danny Rand pulls Kay toward the register. He smiles. "Heh, my mother an I
would like a room, hint hint."
the Clerk looks at him, like he's kidding. "Get real."
Kay Starr giggles for effect.
Danny Rand puts a 20 on the desk. "Real enough?"
Seth follows, smirking, and they head up for the room.
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "<static>Now where to?<hsss>"
Danny Rand coughs into his watch.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "ic cough, go to your
room. cough, send a gremlin up to penthouse."
Tyler heads up too, still in the growly attitude til they reach the top.
<OOC> Tyler says, "or top of stairs."
>From afar, Tyler asks once upstairs, "Ok, now what?"
You say "room 13. I'll let you know.""
Tyler unlocks the door, and enters.
Seth goes inside. He doesn't trust these guys so he scouts the room first,
looking for cameras and stuff.
Seth mutters something - there's a behind-the-ear headset concealed in his
hair. Long hair is good for some things.
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "What am I looking for?"
Room 13 - Ming Ming Hotel - Chinatown
This place is a pigy sty. The bed matress must be thirty years old and yes,
there is a camera, aimed right at the bed. Looks like they may um, film
stuff here.
Downstairs, the old clerk nods. "Room 26. You no hav eto make bed." He nods.
Back in the room, Seth notices, that one of the walls is false.
Danny Rand slips his arm around Kay. "Thanks Pops."
Tyler has reconnected.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Tyler you get the last pose?"
Kay Starr smlies fetchingly at the guy and slips her arm around Danny.
<OOC> Tyler last saw pose with the clerk giving Danny the room key
Tyler shrugs to Seth, "Well, find anything?"
Seth shakes his head at Tyler. Away from the bed, he points one hand up. Not
quite in the proper camera angle, the hand lights up, and a burst of x-rays,
not focussed this time, goes up and wreaks havoc on the camera. Film will be
overexposed, but if it's a videocamera it will just burn out.
rand 100=96
Tyler goes over and grabs the camera off of the ceiling, snapping it out of
connections it might have. He's buff now, he can do that stuff, might as
well do it.
Seth nods. He points at the false wall. He looks around for whatever opening
mechanism he found with the scan.
Room 26 - Ming Ming Hotel - Chinatown
This room is much nicer than the others. There appears to be a cable tv box
with fresh access to porn. a complimentary stack of quarters is on the bed,
next to the vibromatic massager. Danny rolles his eyes. He talks into his
watch. "Okay Seth, me and Kay are gonna check out the other rooms.." He
nods, "you check upstairs."
Danny Rand pages: push one side. it spins.
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "watch out. My room had a camera. Yours
might too."
Kay Starr grins at the room. "Now this is what I call SEEEEDYYYY."
Seth pushes one side of the false wall and it opens. He nods to Tyler, locks
the door behind them, and heads into the open area.
Danny Rand says "rolls hois eyes. "The extra 20 is--(pause) definitely not
fucking worth it."
Tyler has partially disconnected.
Danny Rand chuckles
Kay Starr looks around, seeing if there is a camera or not. "I dunno.. that
vibromatic looks fun."
Danny Rand laughs. "You're bad sis."
Seth says to nobody in particular, "Watch out. My room had a camera. Yours
might too.
Tyler goes into this false wall as well, "Wow, how'd you know that was
Danny Rand looks up. Apparently this room doesn't have one. "When the clerk
says, look the other way, he meant it." He shakes his head. "Negative, W'ere
You say "It was like that on the scooby doo cartoon."
Kay Starr smiles at Danny, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." she
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "...He's out."
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: This corrdor extends about twelve feet.
As you look you see that there are doors left and right to all the cheap
rooms. Peep holes. You don't want to know. At the end of the corridor,
appears to be a video, monitoring room. There's a guy, young and nerdy
smoking and editing a um. "tape."
Tyler cocks an eyebrow. "Uh, ok."
Seth nods. "stop him."
Danny Rand talks into his watch. "Whisper, see if you can, get the master
Key from the clerk. Side service entrance is open."
Kay Starr says "So what are we waiting for bro?"
Tyler walks over to the nerdy guy. "Hi, Nice toys you got here," He holds
the torn out camera out. "Care to explain?"
Seth facepalms. "NOT THAT WAY!"
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "..where -is- the master key?"
Seth lashes a foot out to the base of the guy's neck. Knockout blow, if it
The Nerdy guy takes out what looks like a semi-automatic machine pistol and
opens fire at Tyler! BRATT BRATT BRATT!
<OOC> Seth says, "Could we avoid the automatic weapons fire?"
[New-Warriors] Whisper pauses at the sound of machine gun fire. "What the
<OOC> Tyler can.:)
<OOC> Seth says, "I can't ... that's likely to mean I'm dead."
<OOC> Tyler says, "yes you can:)"
You paged Danny Rand with 'Gah!'.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "okay, Repose, go back to the point before Tyler did
that. Retconn and start over."
Kay Starr says "That's gunfire!"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "oops"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Didn;t happen it's cool. :)"
<OOC> Tyler says, "Well, I can work with it, He won't get hit."
Danny Rand nods and walks out the door. The hallway is dark. a few cheap
light bulbs light the place up. A maid pushes a cart by.
<OOC> Tyler can freeze time before the shots are released.
<OOC> Danny Rand nopes. The guy has his back to you. :)
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "ic Whisper, it's a red
key, should be behind the others."
<OOC> Seth says, "Please repose the situation from where we walk in."
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: This corrdor extends about twelve feet.
As you look you see that there are doors left and right to all the cheap
rooms. Peep holes. You don't want to know. At the end of the corridor,
appears to be a video, monitoring room. There's a guy, young and nerdy
smoking and editing a um. "tape."
Seth points to the guy, murmuring, "use your power. Stop him"
[New-Warriors] Whisper says, "I look like a superhero, sir. Can't I just
pick the lock?"
Danny Rand pulls Kay to the side and smirks at her. "Ooh baby." He mutters
into his comm. "Okay, head down tot he basement whisper. "
Guest1 pages: hello
You paged Guest1 with 'Hiya. This Jason?'.
The Maid holds her nose up as she passes.
Tyler uses a power. The power of being able to fly, which makes him much
quieter than walking. Assuming all goes well, he grabs the shoulder of the
man, "And what do we have here?" His deep voice emits, "tisk tisk, what
would your mother say?" He has his hand near the man's neck, should he try
Kay Starr grins at Danny, and pretends along. "THink you like this too
much." she whispers.
Guest1 pages: Yep
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: He tries to reach for a nearby machine
Seth is going to KILL this kid for being stupid, real soon now.
Danny Rand whispers back. "Well you are cute." He winks at her.
Seth glares at Tyler, with a 'what the hell is wrong with you?" glare. He
reaches a hand out and puts a blood strangle grip on the guy... it will have
him out for an hour, in just a minute.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand nods. Meet us in the service
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: nthe guy conks out.
You say "he can ID you now. Don't show off, it's stupid."
Whisper goes around back, and picks the lock with her powers, slipping
Danny Rand pulls Kay into the service Elvator and pulls the grate closed.
There is a click of a gun, Tyler pulls a 9mm from his belt, which was hidden
under the duster. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you." Great, just what the
world needs, Tyler with a gun. It's pointed at the man's head.
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: right before the guy goes out, he wets
Kay Starr sighs. "Your hormones better be talking." she warns him.
>From afar, to (Tyler, Seth): Danny Rand snickers. :)
>From afar, to (Seth, Danny Rand): Tyler got it from Bullseye:) I love being
a thief:)
Danny Rand presses one and the elevator does down. IT opens near Whisper.
"Problem with the clone?"
Seth checks the video displays. Do they show anything useful, like the other
floors or the penthouse? Or are they just blackmail tapes?
Whisper says "Yeah, it broke looks and attacked me."
Danny Rand nods. "Cmon."
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC Mike, what's your
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "ic Mike?"
[New-Warriors] Mike says, "IC: Static."
Seth mutters. Great. Something's up. He says, "Scouting."
Danny Rand looks over at Whisper. He rubs his chin.
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "Scouting."
Kay Starr frowns. "NOt good."
Danny Rand pages: mostly black mail.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "ic. Seth, Go to the
kitchen, back Mike, up Take Tyler."
Tyler laughs at Seth, "He won't ID sh*t. We've got him over a barrel. What's
he gonna say? These guys came and held me at gunpoint while I was making
illegal porn?"
<OOC> Danny Rand laughs. :)
Seth looks at Tyler, shakes his head at the gun. "C'mon. We got a problem
back there." He points a hand at the tapes and another diffused glow hits
them. Fzzzt - cracckled tape as heavy infrared smokes them.
You say "Back to the street. Pretend you're happy." He leads the way back
down, closing the door, and out to the lobby, walking a little funny but
otherwise, looking smug. Tyler will lead or follow, depending, looking
To (Tyler, Seth), Danny Rand pages: guy in the viedo room had a silver disk
on the back of his neck. Kinda like the one Slim gave Tyler and the one we
found in the guys safe.
Tyler grabs the machine gun through the smoke, and puts it in his belt too.
He's got guns world!
Whisper follows.
To (Tyler, Mike, Seth), Danny Rand pages: Tyler and Seth are coming to back
you up. Pose them entering
Long distance to (Danny Rand, Tyler): Seth will take it with us. It can't
broadcast while I'm carrying it. "Leave that there, Tyler, you don't knwo
where it's been."
<OOC> Whisper is having some distractions rl. A cat, and food that I was
<OOC> Danny Rand waves go east Tyler and Seth, Mike is going to work you
into his scene?
Kay Starr says "So there was no real Tommy just a clone?"
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
You go to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Chinatown East -- New York City
This area is the home of many of New York City's oriental
inhabitants. Chinatown has turned into a pure tourist trap, with numerous
souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants catering to the influx of tourists
into this area. The streets in this area are very narrow, some so that
vehicle transportation is impaired. And with abandoned vehicles on the
sides, sometimes on fire, that hinders traffic even more.
Area signs, banners, posters, and newsstands can be found
everywhere offering things written in the Chinease language. The entire area
has an overabundance of lights and neon.
Ross Wiggins
Green Motorcycle(#4174IJae)
Black Kawasaki Ninja(#5241IJae)
Obvious exits:
Rand-Kai Dojo <RD> Tea House <TH> Manhole Cover <M> Little Italy <N>
Lower East Side <E> Chinatown West <W> Seaport <SW>
To (Seth, Tyler), Mike pages: Okay, you're coming from inside the building?
Long distance to Mike: Seth is gonna KILL tyler. Kid almost got him killed
in RP.
You paged (Mike, Tyler) with 'Yeah. Tyler, unidle and c'mon, you can
timestop to steal the gun if you really think you want it.'.
>From afar, to (Mike, Seth): Tyler tries to figger out what point we're at?
Are we leaving now?
Mike pages: Yeah... Tyler shot a gun over the crowd at Times Square. Mike
really wanted to break his arm....
<OOC> Mike pokes John.
You paged (Mike, Tyler) with 'We left.'.
You paged (Mike, Tyler) with 'pose following me out, or preceding. Don't
want to hold Mike up forever.'.
Tyler comes in from Chinatown West -- New York City
Tyler has arrived.
Tyler comes back out of the hotel, dropping the broken camera. He's holding
that 12.50 again.
To (John, Ross Wiggins, Seth, Tyler), Mike pages: Tyler and Seth, hang on,
I'll pose you in. John moves, then me, then emits, then Ross, then Seth,
then Tyler. Repeat as needed.
John grunts as the first chef grabs him in a bearhug. As the second one
charges, John does him dity, attempting to kick him in his cajones and stops
him in his tracks. He then plants his leg, letting enough bioelectricity hit
the chef that's holding him to knock him silly.
<OOC> John says, "Sorry. Was walking the dog."
Mike dodges the guy launching at him, but fails to get all the way out of
the way this time. A glancing blow from a fist catches him in the shoulder
and spins him into the table--and thereby rebashing those cracked ribs of
his. "Ow...!" Then the other guy is up and tossing something silver and flat
at him, and Mike pops on a force field, bright gold, all around himself.
In the kitchen, the guy bearhugging John tightens his grip, chuckling evilly
to himself. If he cares about the grenade, he doesn't show it. "Gonna turn
you into hero pate, jerk," he breathes in John's face. Halitosis, yeah. The
other chef grunts and staggers back from John's kick. With an ugly
expression on his face, he grabs for another knife. He, too, doesn't seem to
care about the presence of a grenade.
Out in the lobby, the beefies turn to follow Ross. One pulls out som sort of
gun and aims it at Ross's back; the other steps to one side and pulls out a
silver disk. Behind the desk, the desk clerk pulls out yet another gun and
points it at Ross's face. "Bye, bye, loser," he says, and pulls the trigger.
BZZZOTT! This is the point when Tyler and Seth come down the stairs; the
beefies have not seen them, and the desk clerk is around a corner, out of
sight. They can, however, see Ross.
<OOC> John says, "Woah... Mike? I shocked the hell out of the guy holding
<OOC> Mike says, "Ross, Seth, Tyler, John, Mike, emits."
<OOC> Mike says, "Uh... sorry. Forgot. But these guys are tough, so... he's
still bearhugging you, but he's doing it as a muscle spasm, 'kay?"
<OOC> John says, "Cool."
<OOC> Seth says, "What kinda guns are these, BTW? They go bzzzot?"
<OOC> Tyler wonders again, who's turn is it?
<OOC> Seth says, "Ross's turn."
<OOC> Tyler nods, just checking.
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "IC for mike Static static
[New-Warriors] <Field Commander> Danny Rand says, "ic for seth too. :)"
"" Ross stumbles forward from the peice of lead entering his
chest. Out of the corner of his vision, he notices the big guy with the
silver disk. That looks awfully familiar, Ross thinks. He touches a finger
to his wound, focusing his will. A needle-thin ray of blood shoots from the
wound, rocketing towards the silver disk the fat guy has.
[New-Warriors] Randomly, Seth says, "ic <ssss>"
<OOC> Mike says, "Some kind of energy weapon. Pose order: Ross, Seth, Tyler,
John, Mike, Emits."
<OOC> Seth says, "Hang on, my telnet clinet just fragged."
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
<OOC> Ross Wiggins says, "It's an energy weapon? D'oh...what does it do when
it hit's Ross? *thought it was just a normal gun...*"
<OOC> Mike says, "It still makes a hole, but you get burned, too. <G>"
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
<OOC> Ross Wiggins nods. "Just replace 'peice of lead' with 'ball of energy'
in my pose then." ^_^
<OOC> Seth says, "Sounds like fun. Is it radiant energy of any kind, I
<OOC> Tyler says, "who's doing the emits?"
<OOC> Seth says, "Mike."
<OOC> Tyler nods.
<OOC> Mike says, "I'm doing the emits. It's radiant, but not very; coherent
energy pulse. Your best bet to absorb it, Seth, is to get hit by it."
Seth sees someone attacking friends, and runs in, trying to get into
position for an attack - he tries to lash a kick at the knee of the man who
just shot Ross.
<OOC> Mike is gonna switch something: Emits before Mike, just so I don't go
nuts. <G>
Tyler, upon seeing the situation, calls for a little time out. He holds his
breath, and everything stops, how convienient. He takes a nice casual stroll
to the two carrying guns, pluck, pluck. He takes them away. Strolls over to
the silver disk, pluck. He sticks the disk in his pocket, and he holds a gun
in each hand, returning to his original position. He's starting to not only
look like Neo, but be armed like him too. He unfreezes time and then walks
into the fray, holding a gun at the guy holding Ross, and to the other beefy
guy, "Hold it, or you both die." He says coldly, oooh. Ain't he cool?
Ryan comes in from South Lower Manhattan - Rooftop Level
Ryan has arrived.
Ryan goes to Sewer System - Underneath Manhattan.
Ryan has left.
Ryan comes in from Sewer System - Underneath Manhattan
Ryan has arrived.
You paged Tyler with 'I hate that power. A lot.'.
>From afar, Tyler grins.
John quits shocking the shlock out of the chef holding him. Suprisingly, the
guy still hangs on. In a last second effort, John swings his legs around,
attempting to kick the knife away from the chef who is attacking him while
he gives the guy holding him a couple more volts to bite on. As he does
this, the chef holding him begins to MELT! He turns into a pile of goo,
releasing John to deal with the other chef.
You paged Tyler with 'seriously. It's like the flash on steroids.'.
You paged Tyler with 'Oh well.'.
>From afar, Tyler rolls. Yeah, but He doesn't use it to the extent he could.
That just wouldn't be fair, plus, he's got enough trouble that it makes up
for it.
<OOC> Seth says, "What's the pose order?"
<OOC> John says, "Ross, Tyler, John, emits, Mike"
The silver disk in Beefy #2's hand shatters at the touch of Ross' blood
whip, much to the surpris of Beefy #2. Beefy #1 squeezes off one shot; at
that moment, Seth charges off the stairs, headed for the other shooter. He
rounds the corner and... kicks the front desk, just as the shot hits him in
the back. The desk clerk smirks and switches targets--and boggles, because
his gun is no longer there. Neither is Beefy #1's gun. He clenches his fist,
as if that might bring the gun back, then all three bad guys turn to look at
Tyler. "Dead man," says Beefy #2, and both beefies head piledriver fists in
his direction. The desk clerk ducks behind the desk.
In the kitchen, the chef with the knife howls, "You oughtn't a done that!"
He leaps at John, slashing across his body with the big carving knife in his
Ryan goes to Little Italy -- New York City.
Ryan has left.
<OOC> John says, "Hell... I don't remember."
<OOC> Tyler says, "they're charging me when I'm holding a gun at them?"
<OOC> Seth says, "Nobody said they were vulnerable to bullets yet :}"
<OOC> Tyler says, "true"
The grenade goes BOOM!, knocking Mike into the door of a freezer and
rattling his marbles for him. He slides to the floor, his force field
fizzling, then popping out.
>From afar, Tyler grimaces, and has a fried brain. Piledrivers are what
You paged Tyler with 'It means they're HUGE.'.
You paged Tyler with 'And big enough to drive a big ol log into the
>From afar, Tyler ohs, I was thinking of the move, a piledriver, hehe.
Ross Wiggins spins around to face the desk, his head swimming from the
endorphins. Blackness creeps into his vision, and stomping over to the desk
and almost losing his balance numerous times. When he reaches the desk, a
blade sprouts from the wound on his chest, bending and swooping down to lop
the desk in half. "Sonuvabitch! You shot me!" Another vine snakes around
from Ross' back, tearing a hole through his shirt and hardening mid-air in
front of ross.
As the shockwave from the blast goes off, John nearly falls to the floor.
The chef attacking him also looses his balance, hitting his hand on the
table and loosing his grip on the knife. John recovers just a bit faster
though, and as the chef regains his balance, he lifts his hand and points at
the chef, sending a bolt of bioelectricity at him.
<OOC> John says, "Oops. Damn zMUD."
% You have new mail in /var/mail/hutch
Seth hears the explosion from the kitchen. This is NO good. He isn't big
enough or strong enough in this form to stop the guys. He lands on the
ground, having kicked off the desk, and focusses a handful of flux, piling
it in fast, not necessarily caring that he gets it right. A flash of color
and vivid light around him, and he begins to morph. (to be continued_
You paged Mike with 'Luckout on the success rolls for monster. Now to try
the random disaster roll.'.
<OOC> Seth says, "next poser. This'll take me a whole round."
rand 100=40
<OOC> Tyler needs an out soon, it's late here and I got work tomorrow.
Tyler's eyes go wide as the men charge him. He didn't expect that. He
doesn't wanna kill'm, so thinking fast, he lowers the gun and fires at the
knees of two of them. However, it was the one he wasn't aiming at that
reached him first, slamming his fist into the buff Tyler's face, knocking
him backwards and almost flat on his back, but he remains his footing, with
a bloody face. "How'd I get mixed up in this anyway?"
<OOC> John already went by accident. I think it's Mike's turn.
<OOC> Mike says, "We'll just say that John's pose already went. He's in the
kitchen anyway, and isn't going to effect anything in the lobby."
<OOC> Seth says, "Right."
You're dressed.
Seth Snake?
This is some kind of nightmare chimera. It looks like it might be a dragon
of sorts. The body is humanoid, but with four arms, and covered in thick
scales with ridges along the wrist to the elbow on each powerfully muscled
arm, leading up to a serpentine face with glowing red eyes. The torso, twice
the size of a normal human, and almost over-muscled, is covered in thick
scale armor as well, leading down into the serpentine lower body - a snake
at least 20 feet long, also scaled. Rattles on the end might indicate a
venomous bite.
Seth looks at you.
You're dressed.
In the lobby, Beefy #1 screams as a bullet smashes through his knee. "You
sonuvabitchingbastardmotherfucker!" There's more in the same vein. He dives
into a pocket and pulls out another silver disk and tosses it at Tyler,
apparently not caring that Beefy #2 is there and trying real hard to turn
Tyler's face into so much bloody pulp. The desk clerk is surprised by Ross
chopping the desk in half, but since he now has a silver disk of his own, he
doesn't pause overlong to examine the damage. He throws the disk at Ross. No
one seems to be paying attention to Seth at the moment.
In the kitchen, the chef without the knife swings a punch at John. It is
rather badly aimed; he's having trouble seeing at the moment, having caught
the last bioblast in the face.
<OOC> Tyler says, "what do these disks do?"
<OOC> John says, "Blow up..."
<OOC> Tyler says, "ahh"
Mike's two chefs have gotten back to their feet. Mike himself is saying
something muzzy and trying to get up; one of the men grabs him by the hair
and lifts him up. "Time for lights out, punk," he says, and punches him. The
other one heads for John.
<OOC> Seth says, "Unlike the one the other guy had on his neck, which may
instead just be a control device."
Mike pages: BTW, I had one of the beefies hit you with a shot from his gun.
I assume you absorbed the energy?
<OOC> Seth says, "Yeah, forgot to mention it."
You must be on Public to do that.
[Public-PG] Seth has joined this channel.
Player List Comtitle
Pietro -- No comtitle set
Nightcrawler -- Fuzzy Blue Elf,
Seth(#4258PXH?Jc) -- In the dark,
Ross Wiggins -- "Psssst. He's made of ham!"
Object List
Public Channel
The crimson vine connected to Ross' back winds up and bats the silver disk
away from Ross, the blade coming from Ross' chest retracting back into his
chest cavity. Ross stands over the desk clerk, looking down at the man with
a threatening look on his face.
You have left channel Public.
[Public-PG] Seth has left this channel.
Seth blurs, his entire form subsumed by flashing colors in a cheesy special
effect suitable for an anime sequence. When he returns to visibility, he's
become a big nasty snake with a human torso, and he whips at high speed
towards Beefy Thug, rattles on his tail buzzing angrily.
Tyler has no clue as to what the disk is, so he never knew what hit him.
While he tries to fend off Beefy #2, unsuccessfully at that, the disk
explodes near him, sending him flying across the lobby, straight for the
desk clerk, who if he lands on him with his whole 200-some odd pounds,
should make a nice pillow. Well, he's down for the count, that's for sure.
Mike pages: Which beefy? There are two; one with a damaged knee, the other
pounding on Tyler.
<OOC> Tyler says, "ok, I'm out, somebody send me a log, will ya?"
You paged Mike with 'The one going after Tyler.'.
Mike pages: Okay.
<OOC> Tyler says, "OK?"
John sweeps the lousy punch aside with a white-belt block. He then levels a
hella right-hook at the chef. If it lands, great, if not then he still keeps
going. He leaps to close the distance on the chef attacking him, feinting at
him in an attempt to open up his guard. If he does, John moves in, grabbing
the chef by the lapels and tossing him head over heals back towards the
other chef.
Tyler pages: can you send me a log you think?
You paged Tyler with 'I'll try.'.
<OOC> Ross Wiggins can't capture logs on this computer, sorry.
Tyler pages: ok.
<OOC> Seth can do it.
<OOC> Tyler thanks, and poofs.
Tyler has disconnected.
[Public-PG] Seth has joined this channel.
[Public-PG] In the dark, Seth says, "TV Funhouse is really perverse. That is
[Public-PG] In the dark, Seth says, "off."
You have left channel Public.
[Public-PG] Seth has left this channel.
In the lobby, Beefy #2 misses his next punch on Tyler and gets blasted
backward, toward Seth. Beefy #1 pulls out another silver disk and pitches it
at the human stopwatch: guess he *really* doesn't like Tyler. The desk clerk
was pulling out another silver disk; while Tyler doesn't land on him--the
remains of the desk are in the way--he does get smacked with a loose hand
and the disk flies off-course, toward the hotel's front doors. BOOM! Glass
In the kitchen, the chef without the knife takes the hook to the jaw and his
head spins waaaay too far around. He slumps, then starts turning into a
gooey puddle. The second chef tries to duck John's grab and fails, but even
as he is going over John's head, he grabs at the man to bring him with him.
There is a loud CRASH! out in the alley behind the hotel.
Mike makes a dreadful crunching noise and a squeak as the chef hits
him--guess those half-healed cracked ribs have gone to broken. He sucks in
air and pops on his field as the chef hits him again, knocking him against
the freezer door. Then ther is a golden glowing sword in Mike's hand and it
is stabbing upward....
Ryan comes in from Lower East Side, South -- New York City
Ryan has arrived.
Ryan goes to Seaport -- New York City.
Ryan has left.
<OOC> Seth says, "Some idiot here in Hillsboro tried to smuggle a small
arsenal into Mexico in a U-Haul ><"
<OOC> John says, "Go Border Patrol..."
John grunts, being pulled down by the guy he just flew. A quick flip lands
John on top. John roars, "I don't have time for this!" and begins pummeling
the chef under him. Throat. Nose. Eyes. It's all good for John.
Tyler is not connected
Seth 0/0
Gwen Namura is not connected
John 0/16
Mike 1/47
Ross Wiggins 9/48
Daniel is not connected
Green Motorcycle is not connected
Night Thrasher is not connected
Xi'an is not connected
Black Kawasaki Ninja is not connected
<OOC> John says, "Aww for christ sake. I'm getting tired and punchy."
Ross Wiggins starts to stumble a little bit. The endorphins must be wearing
off. He concentrates briefly, the vine's point turning needle sharp. A
moment later, the sharpened vine is shooting through the air towards the
desk clerk's sternum.
<OOC> John says, "I'm sorry Mike..."
<OOC> Mike says, "No harm done."
Seth lashes out upper hands to grab at Beefy #2's hands; lower right fist
lashes up into a throat strike, fingers extended to hit the man in pressure
points on the throat. This is a move Seth's practiced almost daily for
months - it will, if the man is grabbed and struck, put him unconscious
almost instantly, and for at least ten minutes. Meanwhile... where DID that
extra surge of energy come from? Must've been shot by that energy gun
earlier. How convenient, recharge me, boys. The free hand remains low to
block, and his serpentine body writhes in closer, giving him extra leverage.
You paged Ryan with 'Sleep well then.'.
Ryan pages: Yeah right
Ryan pages: It will take years just getting to sleep
<OOC> Mike says, "Anyone reacting to the crash in the alley, go to Chinatown
West. <W>"
Long distance to Ryan: Seth hugs. Just think good stuff.
<OOC> John says, "I'm going to try to, actually."
Ryan pages: I don't want to. I want to play, since I have no life to go out
and really do things.
<OOC> Seth is gonna have to work remember this form :} It's fun.
Beefy #2 crashes into a wall from Seth's strike, then slumps to the floor.
Beefy #1 is somewhat more hostile; pulling out yet another silver disk, he
throws it at Seth. "Die, mofo!"
<OOC> Seth says, "Monster is a fun power."
You paged Ryan with 'Yeah, but at least you know that. Some people don't.'.
The desk clerk doesn't seem to react to Ross' blood spike; he brings out
another silver disk of his own and throws it at the man.
In the kitchen, the chef being pounded on by John snarls and rages and tries
to bite the fist that pounds him and kicks and thrashes and generally makes
John's task that much tougher. He tries to hit back, but between
unsophisticated martial arts training (read: alley fighting) and poor
position, he's not doing much damage.
Ryan pages: It isn't fair
Outside in the alley, KRRRAKKKABOOOM! as something explodes!
You paged Ryan with 'No. Things generally aren't fair.'.
Ryan pages: Then why bother?
<OOC> John says, "ERRR..."
You paged Ryan with 'Because nobody promised you that they'd be fair.'.
Ryan pages: It's not worth it.
You paged Ryan with 'You have to work to make them come out that way. And
the promise that God loves you is still true - that part IS fair.'.
Ryan pages: God's love isn't fair, that's what makes it special. It's
<OOC> Seth says, "Boom. Better not just JUMP into the alley."
Ryan pages: Or somethign like that.
You paged Ryan with 'So don't be in so much of a hurry to force your way
into His presence.'.
You paged Ryan with 'Just knowing about it puts you WAY ahead of a lot of
depressed folks.'.
Ryan pages: I don't want to be here anymore. There sounds so much better.
With the spike imbedded in the clerk's chest, Ross has nothing to bat away
the disk with. He covers his face and chest with his arms, getting blown
into the kitchen by the force of the blast. The blood spike tears in twain,
whatever part of it in the clerk's chest melting back into liquid.
Mike's sword slices up into the chef's body, from his belly up through the
diaphragm and into his heart. He spasms briefly as the heart protests the
injury, the invasion... and then he falls away, dropping Mike, and starts
turning into a puddle of goo. Mike falls to his knees, the sword vanishing,
his arms wrapping around his ribs. "I'm not big no more..." he whispers,
then startles as the explosion sounds outside.
You paged Ryan with 'Yeah, I know. But there's a reason you're here, and
it's your REAL job to find out what He's gifted you with, and then learn how
to use it the way He wants you to.'.
<OOC> Ross Wiggins says, "Sorry Mike, I forgot about your switch with the
emit. :)"
<OOC> Mike says, "No prob, Ross."
Ryan pages: I don't know how
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
<OOC> Seth says, "How many flying disks were there? I counted two."
Danny Rand comes in from Chinatown West -- New York City
Danny Rand has arrived.
Kay Starr comes in from Chinatown West -- New York City
Kay Starr has arrived.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "we're entering fromt eh kitchen."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "fromteh lobby."
John attepts to finish the guy off, driving a fist into the chef's throat
area as he lays another fist on his chest. The fist on the chest rests there
for a moment before John yells, "Clear!". An instant later and a bioblast of
electricity rips into the chef-thing, turning it into goo.
<OOC> Mike says, "Let's see... in the air at the moment, there are two
silver disks. Danny, Kay, wait for me to pose you two in."
Seth is in the wreck of the lobby, looking serpentine as all get out. He
bats the flying disk back at Beefy #1 with his tail. He would blink but his
eyes have thick scales over them at the moment. He does pull together to try
and endure it if the thing booms him - since he has armor at the moment.
<OOC> Danny Rand nods. I'm not here, Kay, and whisper. :)
<OOC> John says, "Oh my god... Mike, I did it again."
Whisper comes in from Chinatown West -- New York City
Whisper has arrived.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "k mike. i wait."
<OOC> Mike says, "S'okay, John."
<OOC> John says, "I'm gonna' sit on my hands for a bit."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Super hugs. i have to ho"
<OOC> John wolf-whistles.
<OOC> Mike grins. "Okay... pose order is Seth, John, Emits, Mike, Kay,
Whisper. Emits are next; hang on.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "your leaving????"
<OOC> John says, "Oh, er... You're leaving?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "ho? I think he meant go."
<OOC> Danny Rand nods. yeah, i gotta go, but i'll brief you all on what
<OOC> Ross Wiggins says, "What about me, Mike?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "awwww"
<OOC> Kay Starr snugs James night
<OOC> Danny Rand hugs, Had a great time. Mike is a real trooper. :)
<OOC> John says, "So what do we do? Get out and go back to the dojo?"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Mike will emit what the orders are. :)"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "sorry my isp ruined our part :/"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "finish scene first."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "actually, i'll stick through, keep going,"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "yayyy"
<OOC> Seth says, "I just posed. John also. So is Emit's turn, right?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "that's what the man said"
<OOC> John says, "Ok."
Danny Rand pages: Tyler cracked me up tonight. :)
<OOC> Whisper woos.
In the lobby, the desk clerk is getting to his feet. Shaky, but he's doing
it. He has one last silver disk to throw, which goes to Seth--since he's the
only one left in the room. BOOM! goes the disk from Beefy #1--in Beefy #1's
face. He flings backward and melts into the carpet. The desk clerk is also
melting, just more slowly.
In the kitchen, John's target has puddled... at last. Mike's is puddling.
Ross has just shown up, on the fly--pun intended. Kay and Whisper have
arrived on the stairs; they can see the action in the lobby, and can see the
kitchen doors swinging wildly from Ross' entrance therein.
<OOC> Mike says, "Sorry, Ross: Pose order puts you in front of Seth. So...
Ross, Seth, John, Emits, Mike, Kay, Whisper."
You paged Danny Rand with 'He was OK, I'm gonna _discuss_ his power. He used
it to disarm four people, and it was really disruptive to what was
Mike staggers to his feet, hugging himself. In a rather painful, breathy
voice he says, "John? You all right?"
<OOC> Mike says, "Kay, your turn."
<OOC> Seth says, "Is that grenade still in the air?"
<OOC> Mike says, "The desk clerk's is. It's headed for you."
<OOC> Seth says, "Anyone who hasn't seen me, should look, so you know what
you're tripping over."
Whisper looks at you.
Ross Wiggins looks at you.
<OOC> John says, "Tripping over?"
John looks at you.
Mike looks at you.
<OOC> John says, "Ee gads."
Guest1 pages: I have a question...
You paged Danny Rand with 'It's a fun power though.'.
You paged Guest1 with 'Hmmm?'.
Guest1 pages: Do you know the command used to locate all of the objects that
you've made?
<OOC> Seth says, "Hey, I _said_ that 'Monster' is a fun power."
You paged Guest1 with 'I thought it was @find'.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Kay Starr enters the area and looks around. Looks like things are pretty
much handled.
Command: @find <name>[,<low>[,<high>]]
Displays the name and number of every room, thing, or player that you
control whose name matches <name>. Because the command is computationally
expensive, it costs 100 coins.
<low> and <high> may be used to restrict the range of objects that are
searched, if they are given then the search starts at object #<low> and
at object #<high>.
> @find Lost Room
> @find Secret Device,12000,14000
See also: @search.
<OOC> John says, "I don't have any cool powers... Danny, can I have wings?"
Ryan pages: At least I got to talk to Joe today. I'm going to try to sleep.
You paged Ryan with 'Good idea. I'm praying for ya.'.
<OOC> Seth could give you wings but I can't promise that you'll be able to
Guest1 pages: Do you know how to add something that is your back into your
inventory? I made something dark and now I can't figure out where I dropped
Command: @teleport [<object>=] <room/thing>
@teleport [<object>=] <exit>
@teleport [<object>=] home
The first form of the @teleport command moves <object> (or you) to the
room or thing. The second form sends <object> (or you) to the
of the named exit, while the third form sends <object> (or you) home.
If the destination room has a drop-to, the object will go to the drop-to
instead of the named location.
For the first form of the @teleport command, the object being teleported
must pass its location's TeloutLock; and you must control the
or it must be JUMP_OK and you must pass the destination's TportLock.
The second and third forms let you remove any object from locations you
control by sending them through an exit or to their home.
The following switch is available:
/quiet - Teleports without setting off success or failure messages.
See also: JUMP_OK, @lock (tport and telout), @tfail, @otfail, @atfail,
@tofail, @otofail, @atofail.
I don't recognize "If".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "know".
I don't recognize "the".
I don't recognize "dbref".
I don't recognize "of".
I don't recognize "it,".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "can".
I don't recognize "type".
I don't recognize "@tel".
I don't recognize "<dbref>".
You paged Guest1 with 'If you know the dbref of it, you can type @tel
<dbref>=me to have it come to you.'.
You paged Guest1 with 'replacing <dbref> with the #number value of course.'.
Whisper follows after Kay, looking around coolly and looking for more
trouble cautiously.
---- Recall start ----
expensive, it costs 100 coins.
<low> and <high> may be used to restrict the range of objects that are
searched, if they are given then the search starts at object #<low> and
at object #<high>.
> @find Lost Room
> @find Secret Device,12000,14000
See also: @search.
<OOC> John says, "I don't have any cool powers... Danny, can I have wings?"
Ryan pages: At least I got to talk to Joe today. I'm going to try to sleep.
You paged Ryan with 'Good idea. I'm praying for ya.'.
<OOC> Seth could give you wings but I can't promise that you'll be able to
Guest1 pages: Do you know how to add something that is your back into your
inventory? I made something dark and now I can't figure out where I dropped
Command: @teleport [<object>=] <room/thing>
@teleport [<object>=] <exit>
@teleport [<object>=] home
The first form of the @teleport command moves <object> (or you) to the
room or thing. The second form sends <object> (or you) to the
of the named exit, while the third form sends <object> (or you) home.
If the destination room has a drop-to, the object will go to the drop-to
instead of the named location.
For the first form of the @teleport command, the object being teleported
must pass its location's TeloutLock; and you must control the
or it must be JUMP_OK and you must pass the destination's TportLock.
The second and third forms let you remove any object from locations you
control by sending them through an exit or to their home.
The following switch is available:
/quiet - Teleports without setting off success or failure messages.
See also: JUMP_OK, @lock (tport and telout), @tfail, @otfail, @atfail,
@tofail, @otofail, @atofail.
I don't recognize "If".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "know".
I don't recognize "the".
I don't recognize "dbref".
I don't recognize "of".
I don't recognize "it,".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "can".
I don't recognize "type".
I don't recognize "@tel".
I don't recognize "<dbref>".
You paged Guest1 with 'If you know the dbref of it, you can type @tel
<dbref>=me to have it come to you.'.
You paged Guest1 with 'replacing <dbref> with the #number value of course.'.
Whisper follows after Kay, looking around coolly and looking for more
trouble cautiously.
---- Recall end ----
With a sickeningly dull thud, Ross hits the kitchen floor. Having landed
face up, he tries to push himself back up on his feet, but the cuts and
gashes dotting his limbs prevent him from making any real progress. A
somewhat charred hole is in his chest, a couple droplets of blood seeping
from it. Quietly, "O..uch...?"
---- Recall start ----
<OOC> John wolf-whistles.
<OOC> Mike grins. "Okay... pose order is Seth, John, Emits, Mike, Kay,
Whisper. Emits are next; hang on.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "your leaving????"
<OOC> John says, "Oh, er... You're leaving?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "ho? I think he meant go."
<OOC> Danny Rand nods. yeah, i gotta go, but i'll brief you all on what
<OOC> Ross Wiggins says, "What about me, Mike?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "awwww"
<OOC> Kay Starr snugs James night
<OOC> Danny Rand hugs, Had a great time. Mike is a real trooper. :)
<OOC> John says, "So what do we do? Get out and go back to the dojo?"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Mike will emit what the orders are. :)"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "sorry my isp ruined our part :/"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "finish scene first."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "actually, i'll stick through, keep going,"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "yayyy"
<OOC> Seth says, "I just posed. John also. So is Emit's turn, right?"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "that's what the man said"
<OOC> John says, "Ok."
Danny Rand pages: Tyler cracked me up tonight. :)
<OOC> Whisper woos.
In the lobby, the desk clerk is getting to his feet. Shaky, but he's doing
it. He has one last silver disk to throw, which goes to Seth--since he's the
only one left in the room. BOOM! goes the disk from Beefy #1--in Beefy #1's
face. He flings backward and melts into the carpet. The desk clerk is also
melting, just more slowly.
In the kitchen, John's target has puddled... at last. Mike's is puddling.
Ross has just shown up, on the fly--pun intended. Kay and Whisper have
arrived on the stairs; they can see the action in the lobby, and can see the
kitchen doors swinging wildly from Ross' entrance therein.
<OOC> Mike says, "Sorry, Ross: Pose order puts you in front of Seth. So...
Ross, Seth, John, Emits, Mike, Kay, Whisper."
You paged Danny Rand with 'He was OK, I'm gonna _discuss_ his power. He used
it to disarm four people, and it was really disruptive to what was
Mike staggers to his feet, hugging himself. In a rather painful, breathy
voice he says, "John? You all right?"
<OOC> Mike says, "Kay, your turn."
<OOC> Seth says, "Is that grenade still in the air?"
<OOC> Mike says, "The desk clerk's is. It's headed for you."
<OOC> Seth says, "Anyone who hasn't seen me, should look, so you know what
you're tripping over."
Whisper looks at you.
Ross Wiggins looks at you.
<OOC> John says, "Tripping over?"
John looks at you.
Mike looks at you.
<OOC> John says, "Ee gads."
Guest1 pages: I have a question...
You paged Danny Rand with 'It's a fun power though.'.
You paged Guest1 with 'Hmmm?'.
Guest1 pages: Do you know the command used to locate all of the objects that
you've made?
<OOC> Seth says, "Hey, I _said_ that 'Monster' is a fun power."
You paged Guest1 with 'I thought it was @find'.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Kay Starr enters the area and looks around. Looks like things are pretty
much handled.
Command: @find <name>[,<low>[,<high>]]
Displays the name and number of every room, thing, or player that you
control whose name matches <name>. Because the command is computationally
expensive, it costs 100 coins.
<low> and <high> may be used to restrict the range of objects that are
searched, if they are given then the search starts at object #<low> and
at object #<high>.
> @find Lost Room
> @find Secret Device,12000,14000
See also: @search.
<OOC> John says, "I don't have any cool powers... Danny, can I have wings?"
Ryan pages: At least I got to talk to Joe today. I'm going to try to sleep.
You paged Ryan with 'Good idea. I'm praying for ya.'.
<OOC> Seth could give you wings but I can't promise that you'll be able to
Guest1 pages: Do you know how to add something that is your back into your
inventory? I made something dark and now I can't figure out where I dropped
Command: @teleport [<object>=] <room/thing>
@teleport [<object>=] <exit>
@teleport [<object>=] home
The first form of the @teleport command moves <object> (or you) to the
room or thing. The second form sends <object> (or you) to the
of the named exit, while the third form sends <object> (or you) home.
If the destination room has a drop-to, the object will go to the drop-to
instead of the named location.
For the first form of the @teleport command, the object being teleported
must pass its location's TeloutLock; and you must control the
or it must be JUMP_OK and you must pass the destination's TportLock.
The second and third forms let you remove any object from locations you
control by sending them through an exit or to their home.
The following switch is available:
/quiet - Teleports without setting off success or failure messages.
See also: JUMP_OK, @lock (tport and telout), @tfail, @otfail, @atfail,
@tofail, @otofail, @atofail.
I don't recognize "If".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "know".
I don't recognize "the".
I don't recognize "dbref".
I don't recognize "of".
I don't recognize "it,".
I don't recognize "you".
I don't recognize "can".
I don't recognize "type".
I don't recognize "@tel".
I don't recognize "<dbref>".
You paged Guest1 with 'If you know the dbref of it, you can type @tel
<dbref>=me to have it come to you.'.
You paged Guest1 with 'replacing <dbref> with the #number value of course.'.
Whisper follows after Kay, looking around coolly and looking for more
trouble cautiously.
With a sickeningly dull thud, Ross hits the kitchen floor. Having landed
face up, he tries to push himself back up on his feet, but the cuts and
gashes dotting his limbs prevent him from making any real progress. A
somewhat charred hole is in his chest, a couple droplets of blood seeping
from it. Quietly, "O..uch...?"
---- Recall end ----
Seth thwaps the second grenade thingy back at the desk clerk, yelling
"grenade!" as the girls step through the window.
<OOC> John says, "Who am I supposed to go after?"
The desk clerk catches the disk in the chest, just as it explodes. Gooey
clerk all over the lobby! And everything--everyone--in it. Both beefies are
bubbling and burbling and soaking into the carpets.
In the kitchen, there is slime from gooed bad guys all over the floor.
<OOC> John says, "Is it like... snot-green slime or school-lunch purple?"
Guest1 pages: It says I can't teleport it
Mike tries to straighten, decides that's a bad idea right now, and shuffles
over to John. "Hey... there's an explosion out there," he whispers, pointing
at the back door. "You all right? You want me to call in support?" He
obvioulsy hasn't noticed Ross yet.
<OOC> John says, "Who am I supposed to pose after?"
<OOC> Mike says, "John, you pose after Seth."
John woos, almost gliding to his feet as the chef turns to goop under him.
Quickly, he makes his way over to Mike, "Hell, are you ok?" he asks with a
tinge of stress in his voice. John seems unharmed for the most part, the
worse feature about him is he's covered in the goop those people were made
out of. He then shakes his head, "No. We got support. I'll check the back."
Ross Wiggins dropped Pose Order.
<OOC> John says, "I think I missed it."
<OOC> Kay Starr thinks whe LOST pose order :P
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "htank you ross"
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "ok so someone tossed a disk at myself and whsip?"
You paged Guest1 with 'type @set <dbref>=j then try again'.
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "Have Whisper and kay enter after that happens. :)"
<OOC> Mike says, "Actually, it was tossed at Seth, who tossed it back at the
desk clerk. No disks in the air at the moment--but there is a lot of goo
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "ok"
Kay Starr makes a face. "Nasty business." she moves through, looking for
other clones to blast.
<OOC> John says, "We haven't caused any damage to the structure of the
kitchen during the fight so does someone wanna kick over a few tables before
we leave? Just to keep the reputation..."
Chinatown East -- New York City
This area is the home of many of New York City's oriental
inhabitants. Chinatown has turned into a pure tourist trap, with numerous
souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants catering to the influx of tourists
into this area. The streets in this area are very narrow, some so that
vehicle transportation is impaired. And with abandoned vehicles on the
sides, sometimes on fire, that hinders traffic even more.
Area signs, banners, posters, and newsstands can be found
everywhere offering things written in the Chinease language. The entire area
has an overabundance of lights and neon.
Pose Order
Kay Starr
Danny Rand(#7171P?Jcy)
Ross Wiggins
Green Motorcycle(#4174IJae)
Black Kawasaki Ninja(#5241IJae)
Obvious exits:
Rand-Kai Dojo <RD> Tea House <TH> Manhole Cover <M> Little Italy <N>
Lower East Side <E> Chinatown West <W> Seaport <SW>
<OOC> Whisper says, "No, a wall got vaporized in a fight involving me
<OOC> John says, "Oh... I feel better then."
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "elevator cage wall. they didn't see"
Whisper looks down at the goop on the floor cooly. "I see you started the
party without us. Did you leave any for me?"
<OOC> Danny Rand says, "i have to go for real have fun"
<OOC> John says, "Ok. Bye Danny."
<OOC> Mike waves to Danny.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "bye james"
<OOC> Ross Wiggins says, "G'bye."
<OOC> Danny Rand hugs all around
Danny Rand has disconnected.
Ross Wiggins closes his eyes to fight back the tears. Gritting his teeth, he
forces some of the blood that he would otherwise be losing right now to pool
and harden over his injuries, affording him some mobility. He scrambles back
to his feet, obviously a real mess right now.
<OOC> Kay Starr needs to go soon. i'm tired.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Seth looks at Whisper and laughs, hissingly. He slithers over to Tyler, and
relieves him of the two guns he took off these guys earlier. Then he heads
towards the kitchen, slithering over and through the mess. He looks around
for any problems. Ross looks like one, Mike like another. Tyler is breathing
fine, just unconscious. "Who needs help?" He nods to Kay who preceded him
<OOC> Mike says, "This is it; no more bad guys."
John glances at Whisper, grining, "No more. Sorry, babe. I'm an animal." He
then looks over at Ross, "Holy..."
Kay Starr blinks at Seth slithering like a snake. oooohkaaayy. "I'm fine."
she states. "We done?" she asks.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "ok good :)))"
Mike turns at the sound of the voice and ends up plastered against the back
door. "There's another one!" he yells, meaning Seth, who he doesn't
recognize in this form.
Kay Starr glance at Seth warily, "You sure its another one?" she doesn't
want to shoot one of the team she's not a part of anymore. What wouuld
Thrassher say??
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Whisper sighs. "not their M.O. Kaos, that you?"
Ross Wiggins bends over for a moment, spitting some of the blood in his
mouth out onto the gooey floor. He stands back up and locks his eyes on
John. With a deep breath, he starts talks. "Someone...needs to grab the
security tape, if any. I don't want my cover blown..."
Seth nods his serpentine head. "Mike, Seth here, remember, turns into scaly
things?" Of course, he speak with forked tongue, but he does that other
times too.
Kay Starr trusts Whisper to know, Kay didn't exactly pay a lot of attention
to the newer members... that was her fault really. She didn't spend enough
time at all with the team during that time after Theo poofed and Jason was
hanging around.
John nods to Ross, "Sure." He then turns to the group, "Anyone know where
the security tapes are?"
Mike takes a deep breath--and winces. "Oh... kay. Okay. Right. Seth." He
looks at Ross. Security tape? "Um... Seth, Whisper... could you look for
cameras or security tapes? Please?" He voice is breathy and pained.
Kay Starr shakes her head, "Probably near the front desk."
Kay Starr looks to MIke. "You okay?" she asks concerned.
Mike shakes his head to Kay. "Think... I've got broken ribs."
John shakes his head, "One of the guys fell on him. Big fella... lotta'
goo." He then glances around, "If we found what we needed, we should
probably get lost."
Pose Order has left.
Seth looks at Mike. Do we have time to do this? Might. He puts a hand out,
and it fills with light... a small humanoid forms inside, with what seems to
him agonizing slowness, thirty seconds as it materializes.
Kay Starr sees Seth is tending to it somehow so goes to the front desk and
searched for any VCRs.
Ross Wiggins clears his throat, cracking a knuckle. "And for my next
request...I'd like an aspirin. Or a bottle of aspirin, if possible..."
Sighing and losing strength, he plops back down on the floor.
You say "You're next, Ross."
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "your call if I find them Mike"
Whisper hmms. "Me too."
<OOC> Mike says, "Um... sure? I don't know what Danny had set up for that,
but it would make sense for security tapes and machines to be in a room near
the front desk."
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
<OOC> Seth says, "Is this the same hotel we were in before?"
<OOC> Kay Starr okays
Ross Wiggins nods at Seth, squinting to try to make out what he is. His
goggles were lost somewhere in his flight, and now he's almost blind.
"Good...I'm, probably not gonna die...but right now, I'm in a little bit of
pain." His voice actually quivers.
<OOC> Kay Starr says, "let danny decide then if we find the tapes. i'm off.
night all"
Kay Starr goes home.
Kay Starr has left.
<OOC> Seth says, "I fragged the security tape system there, earlier."
Mike takes Seth's ball of light and accepts it gratefully. A moment as it
soaks into him, then he straightens, carefully. "Thank you, Seth," he says.
"You *are* a lifesaver." Breath. It is a wonderful thing.
Seth lets go the second ball of light, and the small humanoid moves over to
Ross. It won't be able to replace his lost blood, but it can certainly
repair all the other damage. For a while. Until someone else can do a
permanent job of it.
John rests on his laurels, keeping watch for anything bad. He then looks at
Whisper, "By the way, what exploded out back?"
% You have new mail in /var/mail/hutch
Whisper says "Slim's car."
John nods, "I see..." Then something occurs to John, "Where's the boy?"
Ross Wiggins raises an eyebrow, visibly looking better. Of course, he's
still shaken. "W-was he in it? Slim, that is..."
Mike blinks. Right... Tommy Chu. "Did you find Tommy?"
You say "John... the boy was a clone decoy."
You say "A fake, like these guys."
Whisper says "No Tommy. Sorry. And yeah, Slim blew the car to cover him
getting away."
John sighs, "Christ... The boy is probably dead."
Ross Wiggins pulls his knees close to his body, resting his head on them.
Whisper sighs and winces.
<OOC> John says, "Can we ICly get back to the dojo?"
Mike leans back against the freezer. "Only hope is the Bean tomorrow." He
sighs, then rolls his eyes as the sounds of sirens approaching is heard.
"Hey, folks... let's head back to the dojo."
Night Thrasher has connected.
<OOC> Night Thrasher waves
Seth slithers out of the kitchen and picks up the unconscious Tyler. He nods
to the others. "We better go. Police may be on the way."
Ross Wiggins nods and shudders a little, scrambling up from the floor,
"And...that'd be bad."
John nods, following Seth. As he clears the door into the ally, he shoots up
into the air.
<OOC> Whisper says, "We just blew the hell out of a hotel. =o"
Whisper says "Ugh. Damn it."
<OOC> Seth says, "No, we didn't. They did. We just protected ourselves."
Whisper winces and walks out, keeping her arms crossed painedly.
<OOC> John shoulda kicked over a table.
Mike follows everyone else out.
<OOC> John says, "At least to give that cleanup team that always mops up
after the Avengers something to do."
Ross Wiggins makes his way out, but not before grabbing his goggles from a
puddle of goo. He puts them on, slowly adjusting them as he walks.
Seth concentrates. Nope. Can't change back yet. He slithers out and moves
through the alleys to the back entrance to the dojo.
Mike CLICK!Mike gently opens the wooden door and steps into the dojo.One of
the street cameras records Mike's image. A camera inside records Mike's
image as well.
A small bell rings as Mike enters and the dojo.
Mike has left.
<OOC> Night Thrasher says, "At least nobody got injured..."
<OOC> Seth says, "HAH!"
<OOC> John says, "Only ones who didn't get injured was me and..."
<OOC> John says, "Well... Me."
CLICK! you gently open the wooden door and steps into the dojo
A small bell rings as you enters and the dojo.
Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York City(#7750RFJ)
This wide and spacious room stretches out before you. A hanging
incense lamp fills the room with orange-lemon incense. As you look around
you feel the wonderful oriental flavor and abience of this room. It has a
very long and advancing soft wood floor which becomes the dojo with well
placed mats. Along the left wall, a staircase leads up and into the loft
area. A small alcove in the back of the place leads into the locker rooms,
where apparently there are some showers and changing areas.The walls are
covered with long banners with Oriental markings that hang down like
something out of a bygone era. Some of the walls are constructed in actual
paper oriental style and this room appears to be a casual place.
To the left is an entrance to the pagoda garden where Byron has
been working to create a free environment for his plants. You almost can't
believe it used to be an abandoned alley, but the peaceful sounds of the
waterfall and smell of plants almost lure you there.To the right is a very
nice kitchen area with a long cooking area and a kitchen bar counter. There
are seven stools, each has a different name on them. A large steel Wok and
other grill and open skillet. Looks like the room was designed to handle
large amounts of cooking. Other equipment is visiable including a large
refridgerator on the other side of the counter. The fridge has a sign on it
which says: FRIDGE OPEN TO ALL.
The room is very alive. To the left are several Oriental training
devices including the wooden Tong-fa device and a nearby small table with a
tea kettle on it. A nearby trophy case has many awards in it. The kitchen
area has back door with often peole come to for deliveries. A small bell
covers the back door and will ring if people enter. It's very quaint and
In the far back of the dojo is a small banister and set of wooden
stairs that leads into a beaded door and semi oriental bedchamber which lies
open with spare material inside. A small dresser and a nice sterio system
are visible through the beads, but the room itself is very minimalist.The
nearby kitchen seems to have a rice percolator which smells strongly of rice
and seasonings and a nearby stone kettle and wok smell of strong herbal teas
and alternative medicines. littered around the various shelves of poetry and
eastern philosophy books are several small bonsai trees and hanging ferns,
no doubt a new addition. The walls are lined with Oriental weapons and
trophies, several swords have names and plaques under them and there are a
few large Oriental prints by Yukiyo-ye art masters and even a Hokusai print
of the Wave of Tanagawa and old Kurosowa movie posters and prints.
Obvious exits:
Back Room <BR> Out <O>
Ross Wiggins comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Ross Wiggins has arrived.
John comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
John has arrived.
<OOC> John says, "Ok. Going to sleep now."
<OOC> John waves.
Seth comes through from the back room, leaving Tyler in on one of the bunks.
To (Whisper, Seth, Mike, Ross Wiggins), John pages: Goodnight all...
Whisper comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Whisper has arrived.
<OOC> Ross Wiggins waves g'bye.
<OOC> John says, "That was a blast!"
<OOC> Mike says, "Good night, John. <G>"
<OOC> Seth says, "Night gents."
<OOC> John thinks he'll stay about 10 more minutes.
<OOC> Mike says, "Good night, Ross."
Night Thrasher comes in from Chinatown East -- New York City
Night Thrasher has arrived.
<OOC> Ross Wiggins vamooses. *poof, sleep*
Ross Wiggins has disconnected.
Whisper winces slightly.
John leans up against the counter, fatigue of the ordeal finally begining to
catch up to him. He begins to massage his temples.
You say "That was fun. OK, now to get back to normal."
rand 100=7
rand 100=23
You say "oops."
<OOC> Seth says, "I love random power flaws. Seth's shapelocked for d10
rand 10=8
Mike goes into the kitchen and starts making tea. "Does 'oops' mean you're
having a problem going back, Seth?"
<OOC> Night Thrasher says, "So who were you guys fighting?"
You say "Yep. I'm stuck. Too many patch gremlins in too short a time, I
<OOC> Seth says, "Buncha Eshu and Slim's replicants."
John glances at Whisper, opening an eye, "How did you fare, btw?"
<OOC> Night Thrasher nods.
<OOC> John says, "Eshu?"
Mike looks around from his tea prep. "I think Whisper might like one, too."
You say "Whisper? You OK?"
Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York City(#7750RFJ)
This wide and spacious room stretches out before you. A hanging
incense lamp fills the room with orange-lemon incense. As you look around
you feel the wonderful oriental flavor and abience of this room. It has a
very long and advancing soft wood floor which becomes the dojo with well
placed mats. Along the left wall, a staircase leads up and into the loft
area. A small alcove in the back of the place leads into the locker rooms,
where apparently there are some showers and changing areas.The walls are
covered with long banners with Oriental markings that hang down like
something out of a bygone era. Some of the walls are constructed in actual
paper oriental style and this room appears to be a casual place.
To the left is an entrance to the pagoda garden where Byron has
been working to create a free environment for his plants. You almost can't
believe it used to be an abandoned alley, but the peaceful sounds of the
waterfall and smell of plants almost lure you there.To the right is a very
nice kitchen area with a long cooking area and a kitchen bar counter. There
are seven stools, each has a different name on them. A large steel Wok and
other grill and open skillet. Looks like the room was designed to handle
large amounts of cooking. Other equipment is visiable including a large
refridgerator on the other side of the counter. The fridge has a sign on it
which says: FRIDGE OPEN TO ALL.
The room is very alive. To the left are several Oriental training
devices including the wooden Tong-fa device and a nearby small table with a
tea kettle on it. A nearby trophy case has many awards in it. The kitchen
area has back door with often peole come to for deliveries. A small bell
covers the back door and will ring if people enter. It's very quaint and
In the far back of the dojo is a small banister and set of wooden
stairs that leads into a beaded door and semi oriental bedchamber which lies
open with spare material inside. A small dresser and a nice sterio system
are visible through the beads, but the room itself is very minimalist.The
nearby kitchen seems to have a rice percolator which smells strongly of rice
and seasonings and a nearby stone kettle and wok smell of strong herbal teas
and alternative medicines. littered around the various shelves of poetry and
eastern philosophy books are several small bonsai trees and hanging ferns,
no doubt a new addition. The walls are lined with Oriental weapons and
trophies, several swords have names and plaques under them and there are a
few large Oriental prints by Yukiyo-ye art masters and even a Hokusai print
of the Wave of Tanagawa and old Kurosowa movie posters and prints.
Night Thrasher(#5432PX?Jcey)
Obvious exits:
Back Room <BR> Out <O>
Whisper says "I think I tore a muscle. Not sure yet."
You say "Let me see, I can tell you which it is. Won't even need to flux to
do it."
Whisper nods.
Whisper moves over.
You say "Where is it?"
Whisper points to her shoulder.
<OOC> John says, "Ok. Gotta' sleep now."
<OOC> Mike waves. "I need to get to bed, too; early day tomorrow."
Seth curls the bulk of his serpentine body under himself. This form would
make a great couch. In fact, he's curled around in such a way as to allow
Whisper to sit on his coils and still be able to reach her shoulder to
examine it. Very gently, his upper hands begin feeling the sore spot.
<OOC> Mike says, "Good night, all."
Whisper winces. "oww."
<OOC> Seth says, "Night, Mike."
Mike goes home.
Mike has left.
<OOC> Seth says, "Is it a tear or just a bad sprain?"
% Resuming TinyFugue.
<OOC> Whisper would guess a sprain..
John has disconnected.
You say "It feels like a sprain - the tissues are inflamed but not swelling
rapidly. Let me work on it a little."
Whisper nods softly. "Okay.."
Seth looks at the watch on his wrist. It doesn't work, of course, but it's a
useful battery. A faint flickering, and a sensation of both warmth and
coolness spreads through the shoulder. "I increased the blood flow in and
out and gave you a boost in the chemicals your body uses for repair. Treat
it nice for the next couple days and you'll have a full recovery."
Whisper mms. "Okay. thanks.."
You say "You might want to use a bandage. Or get Lifeline or Fist to work on
Group Name Last Post # of messages
2 - Announcements Tue Jan 2 62
3 Public Wed Jan 3 34
4 IC News Sat Dec 30 28
5 Suggestions/Complaints Fri Dec 22 17
6 Wanted Sat Dec 16 3
9 * Team: New Warriors Tue Jan 2 56
15 We Want You! (Team Recruiting)Thu Dec 28 1
17 Reviews/Spoilers Thu Sep 28 1
19 Humor (post funny here) Sun Dec 31 8
'*' = restricted '-' = read only '(-)' = read only, but you can
Who is where on Marvel: Extreme.
Name Sex Idle Region
Dream Queen F 0m Live World -- Admin Areas
Mephisto M 42m Mephisto's Hell -- Admin Areas
Sebastian Sh M 58m Player's Lounge -- OOC Area
Wraith M 24m Player's Lounge -- OOC Area
Whisper F 0m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Seth M 0m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Night Thrash M 5m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Satana F 21m Satana's Bordello of Blood -- Admin Areas
Noh-Varr M 7m Setup Room -- OOC Areas
MudNet U 44m Zebraman Room -- OOC Area
Number of Characters Online:10
Information on Noh-Varr [NV]
Is Approved: NO Type: Feature
Full Name: Noh-Varr Age: None Set
Codename: Ensign Marvel Gender: Male
Species: Altered Kree Occupation: Warrior for Peace
Teams: 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt Position: "Marvel Boy"
.............................[OOC Information
Location: Setup Room -- OOC Areas
Status: NEW
IRL Age: Over 18
Rating: 'R'
Timezone: EST
Quote: "There is no system here. There's nothing but fear and greed and
stupidity. As far as I can see the planet is run by primitive primeurban
protection rackets with something called 'law' as the only thing dividing
one gang's methods from another. Your leaders are murderers who say violence
is wrong, then drop bombs whenever they have a point to make. Millions of
your people can't even get shelter or enough to eat... This whole ugly
planet sucks..." - Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy #5
Last On: Noh-Varr is connected and has been idle for 8m.
Noh-Varr has unread mail.
Whisper nods. "I'll deal with it soon as I get out of here. Thank you.."
You say "Sleep well."
Traits for Noh-Varr.
Power: This player has no powers set.
Skills: This player has no skills set.
Techs: This player has no techs set.
Specials: This player has no specials set.
Flaws: This player has no flaws set.
Background for Noh-Varr (NV)
Noh-Varr has no personality set.
Who is where on Marvel: Extreme.
Name Sex Idle Region
Dream Queen F 1m Live World -- Admin Areas
Mephisto M 43m Mephisto's Hell -- Admin Areas
Sebastian Sh M 58m Player's Lounge -- OOC Area
Wraith M 25m Player's Lounge -- OOC Area
Whisper F 0m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Seth M 0m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Night Thrash M 6m Rand-Kai Dojo - Chinatown East - New York Cit
Satana F 22m Satana's Bordello of Blood -- Admin Areas
Noh-Varr M 8m Setup Room -- OOC Areas
MudNet U 45m Zebraman Room -- OOC Area
Number of Characters Online:10
<OOC> Seth says, "Thrasher, did you come here ICly?"
<OOC> Night Thrasher says, "Nope...not here ICly..."
<OOC> Night Thrasher says, "Just wanted to watch oocly. ;)"
<OOC> Seth says, "Aha. Voyeur :}"
Whisper waves and stalks out slowly.
% You have new mail in /var/mail/hutch
% Resuming TinyFugue.
---- Recall start ----
Whisper waves and stalks out slowly.
---- Recall end ----
Whisper goes to Chinatown East -- New York City.
Whisper has left.
<OOC> Seth decides to start prepping the log extract for the team